Chapter 10

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It'd been two weeks since the boys first date. They became quite inseparable, but also very argumentative. Almost as if they couldn't stand each other, but couldn't get enough of the other. As infuriating as their relationship was, they realized just how much the other started to mean to them. So there Draco was, he had decided he was going to tell his father. He had made the trip to Azkaban without even telling Harry about what he was doing. He knew he'd get an earful for not letting the raven know simply because he couldn't show his support, but he'd worry about that later. He gave up his wand and walked through to where the cells were. He walked down the long hallway to where his father was being held. "Draco, it's good to see you." Lucius smiled up at him. The dementors had been removed after the war, so the prisoners no longer went crazy. The guard let him in the cell and he hugged his father smiling softly. "It's good to see you too dad, sorry I haven't been here recently." Lucius however just waved it off sitting on his bed along with the younger Malfoy. "Don't worry about that dragon," he whispered ruffling Draco's hair, "you're busy, I understand that." Draco smiled softly at his father. Draco and Lucius talked for a good while. He asked about Narcissa, seeing as she didn't have the strength to come see him locked up. It put her through immense pain and grief, as if he had died instead. Draco sighed heavily looking away from his father. " This can't be good, what's wrong Draco?" Draco glanced at him before looking down. How was he supposed to tell his father he was dating Harry sodding Potter? It still didn't even make sense to Draco. Maybe Azkaban wouldn't need dementors to drive the prisoners mad after all. "I've started dating someone father." Lucius smiled softly before looking completely confused. He wondered to himself why that would be a bad thing. "His name is Harry, Harry James Potter." To say Lucius wasn't surprised was an understatement. He just smiled wide at Draco. "And? He doesn't hit you does he? He doesn't cheat or anything like that?" Draco got a confused look. He pinched himself and shook his head. "Dad are you feeling alright?" Lucius laughed nodding his head. Maybe Draco was the one who was going crazy. He certainly knew that this wasn't real, there was no way. His father couldn't really be happy about him dating Potter. "Draco I know why you think I would be upset, but I've let go of any angry feelings towards the Potter boy after the war. After he was pronounced dead actually. I saw the look you got when Voldemort said Harry Potter was dead. I mean I always had suspicions about how you felt towards him, but that confirmed it. You looked completely heart broken. Then when it turns out he was in fact alive, I just knew you were going to end up together somehow. So I accepted it. I will accept and support it until it ends. Now your mother, you might want to keep this from her Draco. At least for now, let me ease her into it through my letters."

Meanwhile Harry had been in Severus Snape's classroom. The two had quite the weird friendship after everything. Often they'd talk about Lily or Severus would tutor Harry in the potions he couldn't teach to students. They also had a similar love for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Today they weren't talking about any of their usual subjects. "I trust that you won't tell anyone Severus. I wouldn't have asked this of you if I thought you would." Severus stared at the man and saw the 11 year old he used to be for a split second. He sighed dramatically and nodded. "And Draco? What is that about Mister Potter?" Harry blushed lightly muttering something about Snape not needing to know. Severus tilted his head almost daring him not to answer. "I like him, and he's good looking and bloody hell I'm not giving this speech," but when Harry looked at the professor he knew he was going to have to explain it somewhat, "I've liked him since 3rd year and I got tired of trying to deny it." Severus hummed softly raising an eyebrow at him. "Why now?" Harry looked right back at him, but then looked down. "You know why sir."

Harry was back at Grimmauld Place just before 6, Draco had asked him to meet so that they could talk about something. From his owl Harry could tell it was good news. He walked into the kitchen seeing Sirius there he smiled softly. "Draco's coming over for a while." He stated simply to his godfather. Sirius nodded with a smirk. If anyone had been shockingly accepting since the start it was Sirius. Harry didn't understand it, he knew the man hated all things Slytherin. Draco, he was Slytherin through and through. "Harry my boy, you seem confused." Harry nodded thinking about how to phrase why he was so confused. "How come you don't hate Draco? He's a Slytherin and a Malfoy." Sirius smiled thoughtfully and shrugged. Which made Harry even more confused. He didn't understand his godfather, sometimes the man made little to no sense. "I trust your judgement Harry, if you think he's a good enough person to date then he is. Besides judgement of others shouldn't matter too much when it comes to your love life. If the people you tell truly care and love you then they'll understand it's your choice. You're not a child anymore Harry, you have a say on who you date not anyone else. Draco isn't all that bad anyway, maybe a brat at times, but not a bad person." Harry leaned against the counter nodding his head as he processed everything. Sirius did have a point. Though Harry didn't want anyone to be against him and Draco dating. He knew that wasn't possible of course, once the wizarding world found out he was no longer on the market there would be plenty of people angry and upset over it. It was times like these where Harry loathed being famous that much more. A knock on the door pulled the Gryffindor out of his thoughts, and he quickly ran to answer it.

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