Chapter 18

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Pansy Parkinson stood at Grimmauld Place looking determined. She knocked quickly on the door. She looked up as Boy Wonder swung the door open. "Parkinson?" She pushed him to the side and walked into the small hallway. "Draco will kill me if he knows I came by," looking at him she continued, "so if you say anything I will murder you." Harry looked slightly confused as he shut the door, and led her into the dining room anyway. He poured her a cup of tea and pulled out a chair for her, sitting in one next to her. "I'm going to be honest with you Potter. As much as I hate to admit it, you're good for Draco. If I'm telling the truth though, I don't believe you know what you're getting yourself into. He went through a lot during the war. I'm not discrediting your loss or suffering, but Draco is one of my best friends. I've seen him angry, depressed, sad, hopeless, and most of all I've seen him happy. He's happy with you, I see parts of him I never thought I'd see again. However there are things he hasn't told you yet to keep from "burdening" you. I suspect there are things you've kept from him as well. Probably with the same reasoning. Blaise wouldn't go behind Draco's back like this, because whether men are gay or straight they don't talk well regarding feelings. Unless they're a Hufflepuff. So I believe you two should have a real deep heart to heart. That is if you actually want this relationship to go anywhere." Harry sat back staring at her with an almost stunned expression. The last thing he ever expected was advice from Pansy Parkinson, especially good advice at that. Pansy took a long sip of her tea raising her eyebrows at him in a questioning manor. Almost as if she dared him to do anything but simply agree with her. "You're right." He said quietly taking a drink of his tea. "You're right."

Harry waited to send his owl until he knew Draco would be home from work. He thought about what he would say a lot since his visit from Pansy. So when Draco apparated into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place he had no trouble finding the words to say. He took the his hand and led him to the couch in front of the fire place. "I thin- no I know we should talk about things. About war things, about what we went through." He glanced at the Slytherin nervously as if expecting him to disappear. Draco however sat considering his options. He could leave, but he doubted that would do more good than bad. He could avoid it, but he doubted that would work either. He realized the only thing he could really do was talk.  "I will if you do." With that Harry pulled his feet up on the couch suddenly looking awkward. He knew he'd have to talk about it eventually, but he didn't actually believe he would be. "Well um, Dumbledore thought I was going to die in the end. I mean a part of me did, you know Voldemort's soul. I had the chance to die with it. Sometimes I feel like I should have taken it. My life has kinda been one bad situation to another, but I thought about the hurt he caused so many people. I couldn't take the easy way out. I was really bad when it was all over, for a good year and a half or so. Ron and Hermione thought I would go completely mad. Ginny and I broke up at some point during that, I've no clue as to when. Sometimes I feel like I resort back to that. Where I shut myself off without meaning to. You haven't seen it, and I hope that you don't, it just became the small part of me that held Voldemort's soul I guess." Draco looked at him for a while, in fact it seemed like hours before either of them spoke. To say the blonde didn't expect that would be an understatement. However he knew Harry sharing that without the effect of veritaserum was difficult for the Gryffindor. "It was a bad time. Being a deatheater, you know I think I would rather give up everything than go through it again." He fiddled with his hands for a second. 'Everything except you anyway.' He glanced at the raven-haired boy. "He resided in the Manor and hearing the pleas and screams, they haunt me even now. I could live with the torture I experienced with ease. It's knowing I didn't do anything to help the people he killed. Mothers, fathers, children, husbands, wives, they all had someone waiting for them to come home. They never did. Knowing this bloody mark means I stood behind someone so vile and careless. I started doing everything I could to get rid of it. Nothing ever worked." The Slytherin didn't realize he had started crying until he felt Harry's hands wiping his tears. Green eyes looked at him with what could only be addressed as compassion and comfort. "You're not this mark Draco. You never have been and you never will be. You're not vile or worthless for not standing up to someone who was at that point immortal. He would have tortured your parents or worse. You would have died and nothing, absolutely nothing would have changed. What would be the good in that? You're not as bad as Voldemort for not being able to do anything. You're not a bad person." The blonde gave him a small almost fake smile. So Harry pulled him close and simply let the Slytherin cry softly on his shoulder.

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