Chapter 13

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Draco sat in the dining room at Malfoy Manor across from his mother a few weeks later. She'd been having one of her bad days so Draco had the elves make her favorite dinner. The war had changed her dramatically. Her hair hadn't been done up since the day they came to take Lucius to Azkaban. Her family had been the one thing to hold her together. After Lucius she just stopped holding on, a ghost of her old self if nothing else. It was hard for Draco to watch the woman he knew to be so strong absolutely crumble. Which was one of the reasons he was holding off Harry meeting her as much as he was. He didn't know how to help her and he doubted introducing her to his boyfriend would be good. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it's that he didn't want her small progress to be completely tarnished. The one thing the Slytherin purposefully kept from Harry was his mother's state of mental health. In fact the only people aware were his father, Blaise, Pansy, and Ms. Zabini. Draco kept it to a minimum as his mother's mental health was no one's business. That and his father didn't want it to disgrace the Malfoy name any more than necessary. She was getting better, but it was a very slow process. She tended to stay within the manor's walls as a source of comfort. If she wasn't eating or sleeping (not that she did either of those consistently) she would be Lucius' study. As it was where the man had spent most of his time. "How are Blaise and Pansy? I haven't seen them around in a while, or you for that matter. You always seem to be gone." Draco thought guiltily about just how much time he'd spent with The Boy Who Lived. He knew there was no way he could balance his boyfriend, his mother, and his friends. At least not with working as often as he did. The only thing that stayed persistent about his mother from before is that she wanted him to marry off to a pureblood witch. It's not like there was a big stigma against being gay in the wizarding community as a whole, but purebloods saw it differently. Their whole boring need to have children to carry on the name. The blonde found it quite ridiculous actually. Some pureblood things he didn't mind, but the unofficial rule to have a spouse of the opposite sex and bare heirs was barbaric. "I've become friends of sorts with Harry Potter." He almost snorted at the word friends. They crossed that line as if it never even existed. Narcissa gave him quite the interested look. Draco wondered silently if she'd read the Daily Prophet when Harry had come out. She didn't tend to, at least not very often anyway. He knew his mother wasn't dumb and could put two and two together without hardly any thought. Though his mother just nodded and continued on eating her dinner. 'I'll tell her eventually, just not yet.' As they were eating Narcissa poured more than enough wine in her glass. That's another thing she had taken up after the war; drinking vigorous amounts of alcohol, and what was Draco to do but let her? "He's living with Sirius Black isn't he?" The question would have been just curiosity, but her tone held that there was much more to it. The blonde knew all about Sirius being a "disgrace" to the Black family. "Yes he is, Sirius is his godfather after all. They're making up for all of the lost time." Narcissa Malfoy leaned back into her chair taking a slow drink of her wine. It would have been intimidating to anyone else, even Lucius Malfoy. As it meant you were about to be interrogated as if you had committed a murder. This move however didn't affect Draco, he'd grown up with it. "What did Harry do with his education? He certainly wouldn't let it go to waste. What of Sirius Black? Surely you've spent no time with that mudblood Granger and those bloodtraitor Weasleys?" The boy knew exactly how to answer exactly what she had asked. He always knew what his mother wanted to hear. When it came to a conversation with her everything had to be calculated and thought out. Some part of him, a big part didn't care what answer she wanted. "Harry is living a quiet life for now, he's had his fill since the age of 11. As for Sirius Black he's become an auror. When it comes to Hermione and the Weasleys they're quite impressive actually. She isn't the brightest witch of her age for no reason." Narcissa pursed her lips holding back any other spiteful comments. They finished the rest of their meal quietly and retreated to their bedrooms. Draco knew he was being almost reckless when he sent an owl to Harry telling him to come over. His mother wanted him home, and Draco? Well he wanted to be with Harry. As Sirius and Harry were, the blonde and the raven were also making up for lost time. They knew they were still in the "honeymoon" phase as people called it. Neither of them felt that it was like that, they were both rather clingy when it came to the other. Harry was shocked by his neediness, but Draco always knew he himself would be clingy in a serious relationship like this. That's why he held little to no shame about wanting to sleep next to the Gryffindor every night. For Harry this was a different story, he wasn't selfish enough to ask. When Draco kept wanting to Harry was relieved, the boy didn't like being so needy. So Harry apparated to the manor, to the room he'd been in many nights before. "It's about bloody time." The Slytherin said throwing a pair of sweats he'd stolen from Harry to him. "Also you can't keep those, they're mine. You're simply borrowing them Potter." Harry rolled his eyes with a smile changing into them sliding off his shirt. "You owled me like ten minutes ago, I was finishing my conversation with Ron before I came over. Technically these are mine, you just decided that you liked them." He climbed into the bed on the left side of course sliding under the covers and silk sheet. The blonde wasn't going to point out that he actually only liked them because they reminded him of Harry. So he simply climbed in next to the raven-haired boy cuddling into him quickly. He looked into those striking green eyes and felt the words fumble out of his mouth. "I don't like not being around you, it worries me because you're a magnet for trouble. I don't enjoy the nights that aren't spent together because it feels like I'm not using enough bed. You annoy me to no fucking end, but I almost like it. It feels like you're going to mess everything up, but Merlin it would be an amazing mess. I have no clue what you're doing to me, but I don't want you to stop." Harry smiled brightly at this settling his hand on the Slytherin's thigh. Draco had been trying to say the L word for a while, Harry wasn't completely oblivious. The blonde however was freaking out like he usually did while trying to state how he felt about the boy in front of him. He breathed deeply, "I kind of dislike you," and yet he said it with so much love laced in his voice he may as well have said the other phrase. The Gryffindor knew though how big of a step that was for both of them. So instead with the biggest smile on his face responded. "I kind of dislike you too Draco." Maybe they wouldn't get around to saying the other words just yet, but for both of them this was enough for now.

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