Chapter 17

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Harry did indeed go to the Ministry a week later. Hermione right beside him trying to make him see reason. "Are you really sure you want Lucius Malfoy released from Azkaban. I know you want to make Draco as happy as possible, but maybe you're not thinking about the safety risk? Not your safety risk, but muggle-borns. I just believe you need to think about this more Harry." Harry however was set on releasing the elder wizard. Besides if Lucius did get out he was highly unlikely to do anything to get him sent back. He missed his wife, and his son. Of course there was always the chance they wouldn't let him out, but Harry figured it was him asking for Lucius' charges to be pardoned. The Boy-Who-Lived and defeated Voldemort and all that. "I've thought this through 'Mione, and I trust that he's changed." She muttered something along the lines of very well, and they walked through the rest of the lobby to the elevator. They went to the right floor and exited walking up to the secretary. She kept her head down as she spoke. "The Minister won't see anyone without an appointment, today is very busy." Harry leaned slightly on the desk. "I don't think he'll mind." She shot her head up abruptly looking as if she was going to snap. After that all she could do was look at Harry with shock, before she composed herself slightly. "O-oh of course Mr. Potter, right this way." She lead the two Gryffindors up the staircase quickly, knocking gently on the door before popping her head in. Harry could hear her explain briefly before moving aside to let them both in. "Harry," Kingsley said with a smile, "what can I do for you?" The 23 year old sat down with a look of determination. "I want Lucius Malfoy released from Azkaban." Kingsley looked shocked by his words. Harry knew that would most likely be the response to his request. He also expected an immediate no, and so he continued on. "He can be on house arrest, but I do believe that he has changed during his time in Azkaban." The Minister seemed to be at a loss for words. Who wouldn't be? Asking for a death eater guilty of the charges to be freed. It was completely and utterly mad. He watched Kingsley think about it. "There would have to be a trial of course, and there's no certainty that he for sure would be freed." Harry nodded understandingly, whilst Hermione glanced between them both. She knew the green eyed Gryffindor was using his fame for this to go his way, but she had before as well. She certainly couldn't judge him for it. "I understand, and I will also be speaking on his behalf."

"Your father has a trial in two weeks." Harry said after he apparated into Draco's room with a big smile. "I'll be speaking on his behalf, they'll use veritaserum, and if he does get released odds are he'll be on house arrest. Oh and you should not go if you're going to wear that, I'll have way too much trouble remembering sentences." Draco rolled his eyes sliding on his sweatpants. He climbed on the bed pulling the raven-haired boy to him by the belt loops. "Take your clothes off and come to bed already." Harry chuckled softly stripping down to his boxers. He let Draco pull him on the bed into a long passionate kiss. The blonde flipped them so he was hovering over the Gryffindor. "If this ends bad-" Harry cut the Slytherin off quickly with a smile. "If this ends badly, then I won't regret freeing a man who is harmless and changed his ways, regardless of whose father he is. Now shut up and kiss me Malfoy." Draco rolled his eyes, but kissed him deeply anyway. The blonde pulled away slowly. "What?" The Gryffindor questioned looking up at him. The mercury eyed boy laid his head on Harry's chest looking at him. "I really dislike you." The two had an unspoken mutual agreement to not use the word love when describing their feelings to each other. In fact neither boy minded it, they both wanted to make sure they didn't get hurt. "I sure would be heartbroken if I saw how you treated someone you hated." Draco laughed brightly and cuddled in close to Harry. He didn't even make a sound of disgust when the Gryffindor started playing with his hair.

*This was mostly just a filler, also ohmygod! Over 300 reads! That's insane. Thanks so much to everyone who has read the most likely worst fanfiction ever, I appreciate every single one of you!♡*

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