Chapter 22

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Two months later
Harry sat at the long dining table next to Draco. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy sat adjacent with Molly and Sirius on either side of them. Everyone was having dinner at Malfoy Manor and even more surprising getting along. They all talked while waiting for their food. Molly and Lucius were talking about something that Harry couldn't hear. Narcissa and Sirius looked as if they were catching up. Snape was sat next to Hermione and they were arguing about which was the best potion for something along with Draco making points throughout to either help or hurt. Snape had taken Harry's advice and reached out to Draco, and Draco had taken Harry's advice and heard him out. Narcissa was different, back to who she was before. She was also happier, and started truly accepting Harry into the family. That's what this whole dinner was organized for, to make up for her disdain when it came to Harry before. Come to think of it she couldn't quite understand why she hadn't accepted Draco before. Maybe it was the bad timing of when he came out, just the summer after Voldemort had returned. Charlie was talking to Ginny's boyfriend, he had come in from Romania a couple nights ago.  In fact all the Weasleys were present. Right now Harry was speaking with Fleur about France. Hermione and Ron stood. They both looked nervously around the room. "We have to tell you all something." Hermione paused for a few seconds and Ron continued for her. "We're trying for a baby." Harry smiled wide, yet was a little confused. Did people really announce if they were trying to have a baby? Harry stood and pulled Hermione into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you both." Yet Harry felt lightheaded, too lightheaded and he passed out as he pulled away.

A couple hours later
Harry was alive that much he could tell. Where he was he had no clue. He didn't want to move just yet, his head was pounding. He heard voices around him and slowly opened his eyes. As Draco noticed this he slowly ushered everyone out of the room. With little to no explanation, no one questioned it. They saw Draco's reaction when he had casted a diagnosis spell. His demeanor had changed completely. The Gryffindor rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up. Draco sat on the large bed towards the end staring at the floor. "Glioblastoma, you're dying." Harry stared at him for a few seconds not speaking. Draco knew, did everyone else know? Draco continued. "There's no magic that can cure it, no muggle technology that can cure it. 8 months with no treatment. Not that I know of anyway. How long Harry? How long have you known?" Harry glanced at him before looking away. He mumbled out some answer that Draco couldn't hear. The blonde stared at him until he gave in. "6 months." The Slytherin shook his head and stood rubbing his face. "When were you going to tell me Harry? Ron and Hermione obviously don't know, so when? Were you going to wait until somebody found you dead? That would be the fucking selfless thing to do wouldn't it? No one has to worry about you that way right? When are you going to get it through your damn head that you don't get to choose for everyone else?!" Draco didn't realize he had tears flowing down his face. Harry sat up on his knees wiping the blonde's tears gently looking guilty. Draco however pushed his hands away staring at him. "Wait, six months? Y-you knew. This whole time you knew? Everyday we've spent together since The Three Broomsticks. Every night we slept in the same bed, you didn't think "hey maybe I should tell my boyfriend that I have a terminal illness and I have no clue how long I'll live". Four months Harry, four fucking months, and I had to find out on my own. I-I need a minute." With that he walked out not giving Harry the chance to speak. If he was being honest Harry didn't think about telling anyone, not anyone close to him anyway. Narcissa walked in quietly taking a seat in one of the chairs next to the bed. "I saw it over his shoulder, Lucius might have. Nobody else knows yet. Though I do think you should tell them Harry. If not now, then at least soon." She took his hand rubbing it comfortingly. "I'm sorry you're going through this, you don't deserve it not after everything. Come here." She stood over the bed holding out her arms. Harry hugged her tightly as she kissed his head. They stayed like that for a while, Harry hadn't realized how much he did truly need a hug. He'd been dealing with it on his own for so long. Narcissa left shortly after that saying she was going to go check on Draco. The blonde sat in the library against a bookshelf. He didn't know what he felt the most. Sadness, anger, maybe even heartbreak. He had already punched a couple holes in the walls and thrown a book or two out of frustration. All that was left to feel better was sobbing. Why Harry? Of all people, why did it have to be him? He looked up as his mother entered the room. "Oh dragon." She said simply as she looked around the room. One or two books was actually a good lot of them from his magic burst. Narcissa walked carefully and then knelt beside him taking his hands. They had a decent amount of blood on them. Though they didn't look nearly as bad as his bloodshot tearful eyes. The woman sighed pulling him close to her. "Do you remember those stories I told you when you were little? The ones I'd make up on the spot?" Draco nodded slowly with a confused look. Narcissa played with his hair slowly as she began recalling the story. "There was one you loved more than all the others, because it had a realistic ending rather than just happy. It was about a boy who was a commoner, but wanted desperately to be a prince. So to make him happy his mother made him a crown and ruled him as the prince of their home. He was so disappointed when he learned that he wasn't the prince of anything. He was heartbroken to say the least, until one day he befriended this little girl. They'd meet as often as they could. Her father the king found out she had been sneaking off to play with the little boy. He was furious, but the girl begged him to let her play with the boy. The king moved the boy and his mother into the castle so the little girl wouldn't be lonely, and he could make sure she was still safe. Then as he grew he learned how to sword fight from the knights of the castle, but stayed best friends with the girl. He didn't become a prince, but instead became the most noble knight and protected the girl and her husband the rest of his life. Draco, Harry is that knight. All he wanted was to protect you. The way he wants to protect everyone. He didn't keep it from you because he's selfish, he thought it would hurt you less. You have to talk to him, he deserves that much." The younger Slytherin nodded standing up grabbing his wand. "Don't worry about this, I'll get it. You go and talk to him." Draco sighed heavily walking out.

Hermione and Ron sat on Draco's bed, Harry had just told them. Ron stared at his best friend crying hard. "Harry you can't be, I mean you you're Harry Potter. This has to be some kind of mistake, maybe it's a wrong diagnosis. You're my best mate, you're going to be the godfather of our kids. We still have so much left to do. What about teaching the kids how to play Quidditch? We haven't had enough time. I didn't almost die nearly every year for you to have this be the end result. Almost everything we do, we do together. How am I supposed to do this Harry?" All three of them were crying. Harry looked at his two best friends, two of the only people he'd trust with his life. Ironically he realized his life wasn't exactly worth much anymore. "Don't talk about me like I'm already dead Ron. I've still got a good 6-12 months, could be longer. You two are gonna get through it, and you're going to have a baby. Don't put that on hold for me. Hermione you're going to be the best Minister of Magic there's ever been, and you're going to become head auror. The way you both always dreamed it would be. I'll be there, I'll watch over you both the way I know my parents have watched me grow. I'm telling you both right now though, you better not let this hold you back. Live in happiness and the way you've always wanted." Hermione smiled sadly at him rubbing his arms she spoke the words that were on everyone's mind. "You were supposed to be a part of that life Harry."

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