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Draco did eventually move on, with Luke ironically enough. Though they never married, and he never replaced Harry. Just as Draco never replaced Michael. Hermione and Ron did have a baby and then a couple more. The first baby named in honor of their best friend. Haley Jamie Weasley came out healthy and perfect. The holiday's never did seem the same, but the Malfoy's still invited the Weasley's. Draco would visit Harry's grave right next to his parents, he'd always bring the same flowers. Snapdragons and lilies. He had eventually checked off the last box, he did eventually find happiness again. Sirius passed away a few short years after Harry, but Draco had visited him up until his death. Pansy finally settled down, and she too found peace. Blaise however never did, he enjoyed the single life a lot more and it didn't bother him to not be with someone. Ginny settled down and had a couple of kids, she never quit playing Quidditch. Everyone moved on in their own ways, but never truly let go of the green eyed Gryffindor.

"So that's what happens if I go back?" Harry said looking at Death in the form of Dumbledore. The man smiled softly nodding. Harry glanced back towards the part of Voldemort's soul that was still on the ground. "You can't truly cheat death can you?" Death shook his head with an amused twinkle in his eye. "No Harry you certainly can't." Harry sighed softly, he could die now or wait 7 years. "That's the fate that's set in stone? What if I change it?" "You can't, if you go back all memory of how it will end will be erased. There's not really such thing as a Master of Death Harry. You just get a choice of if you want to go back and have it end the way you've seen or if you want to depart now." Harry stuck his hands in his pockets. "If I don't go back will Draco find happiness?" Dumbledore shrugged and gave the boy a look. "You'd just have to watch from the afterlife. Just like everyone dead in this very moment that's watching you doesn't know what you'll choose." Harry thought about it deeply for a minute or so and he looked up with certainty as he spoke his answer.

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