Chapter 19

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"You're having him released Potter, really? Tell me, why that seems like a bad idea." Severus said stirring his potion as Harry had shuffled into the room. Of course Snape could tell it was him simply by the 'carelessness and lack of respect' as he put it. "It's not, he's changed." The younger man stated quietly as he took a seat on a nearby desk. The Slytherin glanced at him with an almost scowl of disapproval. "That's not why it's a bad idea and you know that as well as I. Stop acting clueless. You're in love with Draco as he is with you. How do you think he'll fe-" Harry had cut him off quickly. "I know what I'm doing Severus, and to be honest I don't need your approval or your comments." Snape stared at him for many seconds with a look of glower. He walked over and stood looking down. "Potter you seem to forget this involves my godson, an-" Harry spoke up quickly. "Which is why if this all goes wrong," he sighed softly looking down, "I need you to be around, and don't tell me you have been. I know you've only seen him twice since the war and wrote maybe six times. If this doesn't go the way I want it to you have to be there for him." The professor exhaled and went back to his potion. He murmured something along the lines of 'idiot boy Potter'. At least that's what the Gryffindor believed he had heard. Harry stood and walked over to the desk examining the slight mess. He picked up a Daily Prophet with a picture of him and Draco on the front. "The only good thing to come out of being all over newspapers is if we ever need a photo album all we have to do is ask. How did you know about how we felt towards each other anyway? You haven't seen us around each other, I haven't told you, we haven't even said it to each other." Severus cast a stasis on his potion before sitting at his desk. He rolled his eyes with what could almost count as a small smile. "You get this look when you talk about him. It's the same one your mother would get when she was describing something she loved. It's the eyes that give it away. As for Draco, he's just predictable. That and the fact he would never let himself be so exploited by a newspaper if he weren't. He cares too much about what others think to let him and the word deatheater show up front and center. I'm very surprised you haven't said it yet with your Gryffindorness and everything else." The raven-haired boy shook his head quickly. He'd thought about saying it a lot, but felt it would just complicate things. He also worried that it was too soon. Snape leaned forward in his chair deciding to grade papers. "Saying it makes us more well real I guess. We're not ready for that, we haven't even been together that long. We barely know each other." Snape scoffed looking up. Harry resorted to putting his hands in his pockets. 'Okay so saying we barely know each other was definitely the stupid thing to say.' The Slytherin gave him a look so similar to that of one when Harry was a student. "It's just not the right time yet okay?" Snape went back to grading papers with a small sigh. "Time is a very delicate thing to play with Mr. Potter, and I do hope you figure that out sooner rather than later." Harry scanned the ingredients wanting to change the subject quickly. He didn't have any problem talking about Draco as his friends had learned, but talking about his feelings was a whole other thing. "Draught of living peace?" Snape glanced at him while marking an answer wrong. As it turns out Potter wasn't as hopeless when it came to potions as Snape originally thought. He needed extra patience of course, but if he wanted he could easily surpass Draco or Hermione's knowledge. "We'll need it soon enough, children this year are much more focused and worried about failing than that of your class." Harry tilted his head looking offended. "I don't know if you noticed Snape, but Voldemort running around murdering people was a lot more important. Not to mention there was a different Defense teacher every year and about half of them were completely useless. Also if you're referring to me in particular then you should check your facts. For trying to not die all the damn time I had pretty impressive grades." Snape rolled his eyes as he continued grading the stack of parchments. Harry was right and he knew that, but he'd rather rot before ever admitting it. Their friendship was abnormal to say the least, they'd only complimented each other a handful of times. Mostly it was insults that didn't hold the same coldness as it did in the years Harry was a student. Harry stared at Snape for a few seconds. "Could you tell me more about her? Maybe something only you knew?" Snape set his quill down carefully and folded his hands. He nodded slowly his midnight black hair barely moving an inch. "She loved plants and flowers. I suppose other people could know this, but not to the extent I possess. She spent 3rd year dedicated to studying them and learning as much as she could. She'd read for hours on end. She dragged me into her studying, and it seemed to stick with me a lot more than it did for her. We'd test each other's knowledge on what went into certain potions, and what those potions could be used for. Potions became very easy for the both of us. 4th year she wasn't as interested, but we'd still study potions to the extreme." Harry smiled softly. If he was being honest he liked hearing about how normal and nerdy his mom was. That's probably why he constantly asked Snape instead of everyone else. The other people who knew her would talk about her as if she was a goddess rather than a person. Besides Harry knew Snape did like talking about her, at least with someone who would treasure it rather than just listen. That was probably what made it easy for the both of them. He knew without a doubt his mother would adore his friends thanks to what he knew from Snape. "Would she have liked Draco? Would she have accepted that I'm bi?" He was nervous to hear the answer, but he had to know. He'd asked Sirius about how his father would have responded. That was the night he had learned Sirius was gay. Snape however knew Lily and would be completely honest even if it wasn't the answer Harry hoped for. "Your mother loved you more than anything or anyone else, so yes she would have accepted you. I truly believe that. As for Draco, I don't think she would have cared too much for his pureblood mannerisms and pride. Although I do believe she would have liked him out of understanding as to how he was raised. Before the war? No she wouldn't have cared for him very much, but she would have still tolerated him out her love for you. She would trust that you could make the right decisions about who to spend your time with and that would have been enough for her." Harry smiled brightly fidgeting with his hands. "Good to know."

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