Chapter 11

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The two boys sat in Harry's room while Draco explained what had happened with his father. Harry was amused that the blonde couldn't even keep his crush from his father. "Oh shut it, you were oblivious for ten years!" Harry quickly bitchfaced him and rolled his eyes. "I'm oblivious to everything therefore I don't count." The Gryffindor did have a good point. If it weren't for Voldemort continuously trying to murder him and his scar hurting, he wouldn't have known he was back until the Battle of Hogwarts. "Besides," Harry continued, "you were just as oblivious as I was." Draco rolled his eyes, but he knew Harry was right about that too. In fact for being so obsessed with each other they were completely blind. " Well," Draco said casting a tempus, "it's getting late. I guess I should be going." Harry sat thinking for a few seconds, before quickly deciding on what he wanted. He looked over at Draco and said something before he could back out of it. "You could stay." Draco raised his eyebrows at him. "Stay?" Harry nodded quickly smiling softly. He nudged him gently. "You know stay the night, you sleep on that side of the bed, I sleep on this side. Then you know wake up in the morning. That kind of thing. I know this isn't the Manor you're used to or anything, but you're blessed with my precense." Draco rolled his eyes, but smiled wide. He'd never slept with anyone like that, it felt too intimate to him. Recently however he didn't care that the Gryffindor was having him break all of his own rules. In fact he rather enjoyed it. "1. your prescense is anything but a blessing, 2. I'm not a complete spoiled brat, and 3. I require the right side of the bed." Harry got up going to the dresser in the corner grabbing two sets of sweats and a t-shirt. He used a wandless spell to make the pants longer to fit Draco. When he turned around he saw the blonde already had his shirt off and was working to take off his jeans. His breath hitched slightly as he looked him up and down without meaning to. He snapped out of it tossing the clothes on the bed. He quickly slid off his own clothes. Draco had slid on the sweatpants and glanced at the other boy. Except it turned from a glance into a stare as the other boy got dressed. 'If I ever doubted being gay, I sure as hell don't now.' He didn't realize his thought was said aloud, but soon understood he had said it as Harry laughed softly. "Glad to know I assure your gayness." The blonde glared at him. He folded the shirt walking over to put it in the drawer. He gasped horrified. "What is this?!" Harry looked confused at him. "What's what?" Draco motioned quite dramatically to Harry's amusement at the drawer which held 50 shades of unfolded clothes. The Slytherin immeadiately began taking everything out. "What are you doing?" The blonde had already started folding clothes and putting them away neatly. "What does it look like I'm doing Potter? You have the organization skills of a bafoon." Harry tilted his head as he thought about how they still called each other by last name. Come to think of it dating actually was practically a mirror to how they acted towards each other in Hogwarts. Minus the anger and hexing of course. With a shrug Harry sat on the left side of the bed. "Sorry princess, perhaps I should have the house elves do everything for me." The blonde looked quite unamused as he finished putting the clothes away. He sat beside the Gryffindor on the bed. "If you must know I actually keep my room clean and organized myself, and stop calling me princess." The green eyed boy smirked at him. 'Yeah, not a princess at all.' He thought to himself sarcastically. "You are the sole being of a princess Malfoy. At least a Disney princess. You were raised to be the next in line for something big and life-changing, decided that wasn't who you wanted to be, you trusted someone who turned out to be a villain, should I go on or do we both agree?" Draco shoved him lightly rolling his eyes. The other boy had made him watch a bunch of those Disney movies and as much as he wanted to argue he knew there would be no point. "Exactly." Harry said laying down on the bed. He wasn't sure if Draco liked being close and cuddling while sleeping or not. "You better plan on having me practically on top of you." That answered Harry's question, so he scooted towards the middle slightly. The blonde cuddled up to him instantly draping his leg over Harry's waist and nuzzling into the raven's neck. The Gryffindor hadn't ever really preferred to be cuddled. He had it categorized as unnecessary, but as his hand found it's way to Draco's hair it dawned on him he liked cuddling. He liked it a lot. The Slytherin leaned up kissing the Gryffindor slowly. Harry kissed back and a few seconds later Draco pulled away. Immeadiately moving back to the raven's neck. "Goodnight Harry." "Goodnight Draco." With that Draco easily dozed off finding the most peaceful sleep he'd had in years. Harry on the other hand felt safer than he ever had. He held the boy a little closer to him, which one would have thought to be impossible seeing how close they already were. Skimming through his thoughts he kissed the blonde's head as if off instinct. For the first time he didn't worry about if he'd have a nightmare or not, and found sleep rather quickly. It was this night that made both boys realize that they never would want to sleep alone again.

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