Chapter 5

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They had both been playing for a while now when Harry picked truth. They both realized they liked talking to each other like this, sure there was still a lot of tension. They liked being open, because it didn't change their views about the other that much. "Who was your first boy crush?" Harry blushed bright red and covered his mouth to try to keep from spilling that. Of course the veritaserum was still holding it's effects. So he answered unwillingly. "Hisnameisdracomalfoyanditwasinthirdyearwhenirealizedilikedhim." Draco shook his head. "Oh come on Potter you've got to say it slower than that!" Harry let out a deep sigh looking at anything but the blonde sitting now across from him with a pillow on his lap. "His name is Draco Malfoy and I realized it in third year." With that he shoved his face in his hands with a deep scarlet blush. Draco sat there in shock. 'WAIT POTTER HAD A CRUSH ON ME?' Draco assumed he was losing it. "Wait, me? Like me Draco Malfoy?" Harry took the chance to look at him again. "How many Draco Malfoy's do you know you prat?" Draco laughed lightly at that. "Ever since third year, you mean to tell me I could have just flirted with you instead of being a git? Potter are you completely blind?" Harry gave him the best bitchface he could possibly conjure up in that moment. "Are you Malfoy?" Draco blushed slightly at the question, but was unsure about what he wanted to do next. "That crush? Did it ever go away?" He looked at Harry with an intensity that could have made anyone go weak. Harry though, the boy didn't shy away from it at all though. Instead he answered with another question. "Did yours?" With Draco knew exactly what he wanted to do and within seconds he was just a mere few centimeters from the raven-haired boys lips. Harry wasted no time in pulling Draco the rest of the way into a deep passionate kiss. Their lips fit together, they fit perfectly at that. They both pulled away reluctantly and stared at each other for a few seconds. "So that's what kissing the famous Harry Potter feels like. Poor Cho, no wonder she was crying." Harry took the pillow out of Draco's lap hitting him upside the head with it laughing hard. "That was the best kiss you've ever had in your life and you know it." Draco smiled wide and shoved him playfully, but Harry had caught his wrist and Draco was on top of him. The mercury eyed boy set his pale hand on the raven's cheek gently. "Yeah it was." With that he kissed the boy under him again intertwining their hands. The kiss got heated rather quickly and Harry held him closer. Soon enough they were full out snogging on Draco's bed. Apparently all those years of obsession were handy when it came to figuring out what the other would like and wouldn't like. Draco pulled away slowly. "What does this mean for us? I- what, what are we doing exactly?" Harry took Draco's hand fiddling with his fingers. "I'm not the best when it comes to relationships and stuff. I actually kind of suck at it, and I'm not very good with emotions either. I'm you know awkward." Harry pulled his knees up settled Draco's hand there still fidgeting with his fingers. He looked at the blonde who seemed to be deep in thought. When Draco spoke again his voice was almost unnerving. "I do know you a lot better than you would believe Harry. I know what a relationship with you would consist of. Harry," he paused cupping the Gryffindor's face, "I want that. What about what you'll get for dating me? I'm an ex-deatheater." Harry pushed a few blonde locks behind the other boys ear and smiled softly shaking his head. "You think I care about what they'll say? It's something new everyday, I care about what I want. I want you, ex-deatheater or not. Listen we were both put into our places during the war with no choice or way out. At least no way out that we could protect who we wanted to be safe. So forget about that, because I don't care about it." Draco seemed to consider what Harry had said for a moment. His body relaxed a bit and he nodded. "Well then would you care to go on a date with me Potter?" Harry smiled brightly at him. "One condition, I get to pay." Draco rolled his eyes. Figures Harry would have the complex of not being payed for, but Draco nodded anyway. Then Draco gasped with realization. "Merlin your friends are going to hate me!" Harry raised an eyebrow at him looking slightly amused. "How do you think your friends are going to feel?" In that moment alone together, they realized that they didn't quite care what their friends would say. Ten years is quite a long time to fancy someone, wouldn't you agree?

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