Chapter 7

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Draco knocked on the door to Grimmauld Place with a bouquet of snapdragons and lilies. 'Is this too much? Should I hav-'. He was cut off from his thoughts as Harry answered the door. He was standing there in a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with the name of a muggle band Draco had never heard of. He could tell Harry had tried doing something with his hair, with little to no results of course. Draco however was dressed in a pair of distressed black skinny jeans along with a deep red shirt and a leather jacket. Harry checked him out openly. "Damn," he said without meaning to, "um fuck, I meant uh, wow you look good." The green eyed boy was blushing bright red as he rubbed the back of his neck. Draco smirked a little, but held a light blush of his own. "Have you at a loss for words do I Potter?" He paused checking Harry out as well. "You look great." Harry rolled his eyes shoving his shoulder gently. Draco laughed holding the flowers out towards him. "Ironically as you have no clue how to date, I'm actually a natural." Harry smiled wide at him taking them from him. While Harry grabbed them with one hand, Draco lifted the other kissing it slowly. They stood there for a couple seconds completely indulged with the others prescense. "Right, I should go put these in water. You can come in if you like." So Draco followed him into the house looking around as Harry got a vase out. "Let me guess you haven't done anything towards decorating this place at all, it's much too dark to be your taste." Harry laughed from the kitchen walking back out setting the vase on the coffee table. "This is my redecoration, not what you'd expect is it?" Draco looked quite shocked at that. He raised his eyebrows at the raven-haired boy. "Let's just say you're full of surprises Wonder Boy." With that they walked out of the house. Harry led them to a small little coffee shop in a more isolated area. "A coffee date? I knew you were simple Harry, but not this simple." Harry shook his head setting his hand lightly on the lower part of Draco's back holding the door open for him. "A medium half and half with 10 pumps of vanilla and extra whip cream right?" Draco looked confused as to how Harry remembered that, but nodded anyway. Harry smirked at him and before he went to the counter whispered in Draco's ear. "You don't call me wonder boy for nothing." With that he went up and ordered their drinks. Draco realized he liked that Harry knew how to take charge, even if it was something as simple as ordering a coffee. He enjoyed not having all the decisions left up to him on a date. Usually it was all his choice, it was quite boring now that he thought about it. He liked that Harry didn't mind making choices on what they were going to do. Harry then returned to where Draco was standing handing him a to-go cup. "Come on blondie, we're going to take a walk through the woods." Draco rolled his eyes and followed the Gryffindor anyway. They came to a forest containing a trail and began following it's path. "Did you bring me out here to murder me?" Harry laughed brightly at that. "No, I actually find myself not wanting to murder you nowadays." In that moment Harry thought back to 6th year and flinched a bit. Draco noticed the sudden change and stopped walking. "You've already apologized, and I'm fine. Besides forgive and forget right?" With that they continued walking and somehow their hands found each other's. "Why do you think Slytherin's colors are green and silver?" Harry asked as he took a drink of his coffee. Draco thought about it for a second before settling on an answer. "Well I guess for one reason snakes seem to remind people of the color green. Most people sorted into Slytherin only care about others so much, you know? We worry about our own skin more than we worry about others. However if we do care about other people it's fierce, but also barely shown. We would suffer or cause suffering for who we decide is our own. Opposite of Gryffindors seeing as they can't hide who they care about to save their life. Green and red are opposites, so it kind of makes sense really. Silver well have you ever met a Slytherin that didn't enjoy the finer things? It represents ambition to get those things. At least to me it does. Why do you think Gryffindor's colors are red and gold?" Harry thought about what Draco had said for a moment. He knew the blonde was smart, but he didn't think of him as so insightful. He knew that he liked hearing Draco talk so deeply about things, and hoped for more of it silently. So with that thought he answered. "Red is an obvious color. Lions are commonly associated with red. They're protectors that act without thought if they feel danger towards them or anyone in their pride. Sometimes without enough thought. Gold, well that's easy to understand in a way. Gryffindor's find it easy to treasure something. Life, friends, even something as small as a photograph. We have a lot of pride, but we'd push it aside for something or someone we treasure." Draco smiled softly at him. Harry had however taken to looking at a tree. "You know how to climb trees, you think you could teach me?" Draco laughed hard for a few seconds before realizing the boy was serious. He stared at him incredulously, and then laughed harder. Finally he exclaimed through the laughter. "Y-you defeated Voldemort and you can't climb a fucking tree!" Harry rolled his eyes and tried to stifle his own laughter. It was quite sad in a funny way. When Draco's laughter subsided he agreed to try and help Harry learn. Draco soon realized that if Harry would have had to climb a tree to defeat Voldemort he'd have been screwed. He tried instructing Harry on where to put his foot again and thoughtlessly grabbed the raven-haired boy's leg. Harry who felt suddenly ten times distracted as before clumsily let go. The blonde quickly realized what was happening and caught him with ease. Harry's breath hitched and he looked up at Draco. "You know if you're going to tell someone to concentrate, you shouldn't do distracting things," he suddenly had a thoughtful face and continued, "could you describe it to me? What it's like I mean." The blonde set him down gently with a small nod. He smiled as he thought of the perfect way to describe it. "You know how you see everything on a broom high up in the air, except it's all smaller and seemingly insignificant? Being on top of a tree is kind of like that. Except it's all in the same perspective, there is no moving around. It gives you this feeling of how small everything real-" Draco felt Harry's lips on his own and kissed him back passionately holding him close. Harry pulled away just an inch or two. "Sorry, you're just really cute when you get descriptive." Then he kissed the blonde with need once more.

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