Chapter 20

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Harry waited with Draco in the parlour of Malfoy Manor, they were expecting a firecall from Shacklebolt regarding Lucius' trial decision. Harry had spoke on his behalf as well as Draco. They hadn't told Narcissa about it in case she got her hopes up. So they had been sitting by the fireplace since they had to leave the trial. They had barely talked since the night before. Draco was far too nervous to say much, and he was worried his father might say the wrong thing under the effects of Veritaserum. From what he and Harry saw he hadn't so far, but all it took was one wrong question. So they sat in silence aside from the crackling of the fire and the uneven breaths Draco was having trouble controlling. The Gryffindor didn't mind, he simply sat on the couch with a comforting hand over Draco's. The blonde looked as exhausted as he did nervous and he felt even worse. He was hoping for too much. He hated how much he hoped it would all go in his favor, if it wasn't for Harry he would have spent the rest of his or his father's days visiting Azkaban without even the slightest of complaints. Ironic it was, him visiting the place he would have spent the rest of his life if it hadn't been for Harry. As the blonde got more and more indulged in his thoughts he almost had a heart attack when the fire roared to life. The raven-haired boy smirked slightly and waved to Kingsley. Draco didn't have the patience to even act like he cared about how Shacklebolt was doing. "Well? Is he getting released?" Harry nuzzled into his neck slightly just in case it wasn't good news. He thought his words were quite compelling, even more so when it was the saviour of the wizarding world. Though he didn't know how the eldest Malfoys interrogation had gone. The Minister sighed looking at them both before smiling softly. "Tomorrow he is to be picked up from Azkaban and taken straight to the Manor, no funny business. House arrest and restrictions placed upon his wand. He can't cast more than 4th year knowledge for now. One toe out of line he'll be immeadiately thrown back in. Oh and yes he's being released." Shacklebolt ended the firecall as soon as Draco straddled Harry holding him in a tight hug. He kissed him passionately and more wildly than he usually did. The Gryffindor knew the Slytherin was trying to keep from crying so he kissed him back with just as much passion. He left his hands on the blondes thighs pulling him closer. They stayed up all night to say the least, and in Malfoy Manor's parlour had the best sex they ever had.

Draco and Harry apparated to right outside of Azkaban around 6 in the morning. The green eyed boy thought it was a little early but according to Draco "he'll be awake, trust me my father never sleeps in". They walked up to the auror standing out front. "He's just finishing going over the rules for his release, he'll be out in a couple minutes." Nothing could dampen the Slytherin's mood, aside from the not so old auror checking out his boyfriend. Without the slightest hesitation the blonde had his arm possessively around Harry's waist. Harry realized what was happening very quickly and rolled his eyes with a small smile. He kissed the corner of Draco's mouth gently. "You're lucky I kind of dislike you." The blonde scoffed with an offended look. "Please if anything you're the one who's lucky in this relationship." The Slytherin knew what he said was the farthest thing possible from the truth. However he didn't care at the moment. "You're right, I am the lucky one." Harry kissed him fully on the mouth this time and Draco had no trouble obliging. They only stopped when they heard someone clear their throat. The two jumped back at lightning speed and looked up at Lucius. "Dad!" Draco exclaimed hugging him tightly. Lucius smiled wide hugging him back. The Gryffindor smiled softly, he loved seeing Draco happy. Yet it wasn't all love, and for what felt like the 800 millionth time he wished he had known his own parents. He also knew that there were worse situations, such as Frank and Alice Longbottom. It must hurt a lot worse to know your parents will never recover and never remember you. As he looked at the Slytherins in front of him it was moments like these that made losing his parents and becoming famous almost worth it. Though he longed far too much to ever make it truly worth it. He sometimes questions how different he would have been had they been alive to raise him. Would he still be as reckless? Would he have ended up in a different house? Maybe even walked around as snobby as Malfoy was when he was 11. He liked to believe he would have turned out the same, but something tells him he's quite wrong about that. Lucius pulled Harry out of his thoughts, literally. He hugged him fiercely with a broad smile. "Thank you fo-" Harry shook his head hugging him back. "Don't thank me, I was just doing what's right." Lucius licked his lips and smirked over at Draco. The younger blonde's eyes widened immeadiately. "Dad don't you dare!" Harry looked confused between the two. When Lucius put on his best sneer and pushed his hair back. "Saint Potter can't do any wrong! Potter got on the quidditch team by breaking the rules! That stupid Gryffindor Potter and his stupid girlfriend Weaslette!" Harry laughed hard gripping his sides gasping for breath. Lucius laughed along with him, whilst Draco stood there with looks that could kill. "That's all I heard for years. I believe I could tell your whole first three years at Hogwarts better than you could. Now come along you two let's go home."

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