Chapter 9

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Harry and Draco had spent some time at the burrow, before they left. They decided to apparate a little ways from Grimmauld Place so they would have time to talk. "I don't think that was nearly as torturous as you thought it was going to be." Harry said to him with a smug look. The Slytherin was actually surprised that they were pretty entertaining to be around. Except for the youngest Weasley. He had ignored her at all times aside from the time times she had Harry's attention. Apparently the raven-haired boy had noticed this too, because he simply stated that Draco didn't care for Ginny's prescense at all. "You were being jealous." The blonde rolled his eyes not noticing Harry's smirk. "I wasn't being jealous, I was being possessive. There is a difference Potter." Harry laughed softly as he shook his head. He turned to the Slytherin with raised eyebrows. "But you see, possessiveness is a feelings towards something you already have. As far as I'm aware we're doing nothing more than dating." Draco grabbed his hand with a huff pulling his into an alley and pushing him against the brick wall. He placed his hands on either side of Harry's waist and smirked at the Gryffindor whose eyes were wide. The blonde moved slightly hovering over the other boy's lips. "I think we both know that you're as much mine as I am yours Potter, no need to be coy about it." Harry smashed his lips against Draco's wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck and settling them in his hair. The Slytherin kissed back deeply setting his hands on the Gryffindor's waist pushing him against the wall once more. What started out as a kiss turned into snogging very quickly. The two only separated when they needed air. "So we're exclusive?" Draco smiled wide, lacing their hands together. He realized with a slight shock that he was glad they waited, it just seemed easier so to speak. "Do I need to spell it out for you Potter?" Harry blushed lightly and shook his head. With that they walked hand in hand to Grimmauld Place. Harry opened the door leading Draco in. "Sirius are you home?" The raven-haired boy waited a few seconds for a reply before grinning mischievously. Taking Draco's hand he guided him to the living room sitting on the couch. "So I'm thinking we have maybe an hour to be alone," he crawled onto Draco's lap, "and I think I know exactly how to spend that hour." Draco looked up at him letting his hands fall on the shorter boys thighs. The raven tugged on his jacket not knowing if the blonde would take it off or not. Draco seemed to have an argument in his head. 'I didn't use anything to cover it up.' At the same time another thought was, 'He already knows and he's seen it.' Draco sat up a little more sliding the jacket off slowly. He looked everywhere, but at Harry. Harry took Draco's left hand turning it over. He stared at the mark for a few seconds. "You've tried scratching it off, and maybe burning it off too." The blonde knew there was no point in trying to deny it. He nodded slowly messing with his shirt. The raven-haired boy however set his hand over his before touching the mark gently with his finger. He glanced at Draco through his eyelashes silently asking permission. The blonde realized what he was asking and nodded slowly biting his lower lip. Harry traced it slowly looking interested. "You might call me crazy for this, but I think it looks good on you." Draco did in fact look at him like he had gone insane. Harry smiled at him softly still tracing the mark. "I'm being serious you know, I mean I don't particularly care for what the mark stands for," he paused kissing Draco's wrist, "but it's not you, therefore I don't care what it stands for. I care about what you stand for. Besides it stands out and you just look really fit and badass." The Gryffindor blushed lightly looking down. The Slytherin just stared at him for a while before smiling brightly and tugging the other boy close nuzzling into his neck. Harry took to playing with Draco's hair and sighed softly. "You know we're going to argue a lot, right? I'm hard-headed and hot tempered, and you can be a completely dramatic prat." Draco hummed against his neck. "You're right, but you're forgetting a lot of other factors as to why we'll argue a lot. You're loyal to everyone you've ever cared about, including Weaslette. Whilst I am quite possessive and cut off from my exes. I'm actually very clingy and open about my relationships, whereas you tend to be distanced and like discretion. I know very well what kind of arguments we'll get into Harry. The point is I don't care. You'll call me out on my bullshit, and I'll do the same with you. That's what makes this easy, we don't hold back from each other. We're honest, bluntly honest. That's why this has a good chance of working. Everybody treats you like a god and does whatever you want without question. Same goes for me. The point is neither of us want that, nor do we need that. You don't know what you want half the time, and I need someone who can see me as more than some prince of sorts. So yes we're going to argue a lot, because even though we do what the other wants, we're still the bloody opposite. I hope you got every word of that, because I don't do well with spoken affirmation or whatever." Harry simply nodded and kissed Draco. Then kept kissing him. Soon enough they were snogging. Turns out they enjoyed kissing more than they enjoyed insulting each other. Of course this couldn't go without interruption. "Harry are you home?"

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