Chapter 31

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Draco and Harry were set to be married in a week. It was to be small thankfully. Close friends and family. The invitation list included just around 40 people. Just a week, but Harry ended up in St. Mungos after a seizure. It came from nowhere, and all Harry wanted to do was go home. Draco insisted they stay, and Harry couldn't find it in him to say no to the distressed look Draco gave. They sat in the room, which thankfully didn't have any windows. "You know the whole wizarding world is going to know now, right?" Draco scoffed slightly sitting in the chair directly next to the bed. "Maybe someone will figure out a potion or spell. You didn't defeat Voldemort and become the saviour for nothing right?" The Gryffindor made the mistake of opening his mouth to protest. However the youngest Malfoy wasn't having anything to do with it. Instead he rambled on. "No don't give me that bullshit self-sacrifice story and how everyone needed help. If you had came out about this months ago somebody could have found something by now! Now who knows how long you have at the very least 3 months or at least that's what we expect right? For fucks sake Harry you saved the damn world, you walked into that forest, you defeated Voldemort. Nobody else did that. You did. What is fame when you're dying?! None of it matters! Not unless someone figures out a cure, God damnit Harry it's not fair that everyone else gets their full life and you have no clue if you'll be around for Christmas!" Draco was sobbing by the end of it. He had finally let it out. Maybe the sight of Harry pushed him over the edge. Maybe it was the fact that the hospital made it much more real than anything else had. Or maybe it was just because Draco Malfoy was tired and broken. Harry sat up quickly pulling Draco from where he was standing to the side of his bed. He scooted over and Draco didn't argue as he climbed in. He didn't argue as Harry held him closer than he ever had. He didn't argue as he broke down in Harry Potter's arms.

A couple hours later Draco was passed out on the bed, Harry hadn't moved an inch. Hermione and Ron walked in and became very quiet as they noticed the sleeping Slytherin. Hermione sat in the chair Draco had sat earlier. Ron took the other chair next to her. They whispered amongst themselves as to not wake Draco up. They had heard him hex Pansy once when she had. He didn't take lightly to being woken up. "You both look horrible." Ron stated. Harry sighed softly glancing down at the blonde. It was true Draco looked completely sleep deprived, and Harry knew he himself didn't look much better. "He's exhausted. I'm just glad he's finally sleeping. I couldn't care less about what he looks like, besides I look just as bad." Hermione set her hand on Harry's arm gently with a sad look. To be honest the other two Gryffindors didn't look so great either. "Harry you should both really eat more, and he needs more sleep." Harry smiled softly at her small worry. He had missed her almost bossy nature he hadn't seen in so long. "Yeah well you and Ron shouldn't worry so much. Don't worry about me or Draco. You two are still trying to have a baby, can't be easy if your thoughts are somewhere else can it?" Hermione sighed looking down. How could they try during a time like this? It didn't seem even slightly right. Their best friend was dying, and sex was the last thing on their minds. "Shouldn't worry? Harry you just had a bloody seizure!" Ron 'whispered'. Draco stirred in his sleep closer to Harry. Harry kissed his temple softly half-heartedly glaring at Ron. "He's right Harry, what if he hadn't of been home?" Harry rolled his eyes, as if. If Draco wasn't home he'd have Pansy or Blaise there with Harry. Sometimes even both. The three of them had formed some sort of odd friendship really. "I'm never alone in the house. If this is you trying to convince me to live in a hospital, I won't do it. I'm not going to die in this bloody place. I'm going to die at home. Next to the love of my life, our dog, and our snake." Harry didn't even realize what he had called Draco.

The Slytherin had woken up a couple minutes ago, but he didn't have the energy to move. He heard Hermione worrying over them, and then them trying for a baby. To be honest Draco never ever wanted to picture that again thank you very much. He got offended as the conversation went on. As if Draco would just leave him alone. Regardless of Pansy and Blaise he still had detection charms all over the bloody house. He listened to Harry upsettlingly say he wouldn't stay in hospital, and the next part made him freeze. "Love of my life." Obviously he had meant Draco. He didn't have a snake and dog with anyone else. The Slytherin realized he hadn't been treating Harry like his fiance. More so like a patient. He spent all of his time worrying and searching for a cure. Who knew how much time he had with Harry. It had been a few minutes so Draco moved around as if he had just woke up. He looked up at the Gryffindor ignoring Hermione and Ron he kissed him deeply. Harry kissed him back eagerly and passionately. When was the last time they had kissed like this? Neither of them knew. They hadn't had sex in a while either, but hadn't really thought about it until now. Well at least Draco hadn't thought about it. So Harry had no problem deepening the kiss. They pulled away when they needed air. "Oi bloody hell, I thought we agreed none of that in front of me." Harry flipped him off not taking his eyes off Draco. Hermione giggled softly before speaking. "I think you can manage Ron really how often has Harry walked in on us snogging?" Ron crossed his arms looking at her with disbelief. Harry laughed softly now looking at them both. "That's different because it's not Draco Malfoy obviously." He said with a smirk. Of course Harry didn't mind the playful bantering, if anything he missed it. His friends treating him like he wasn't dying at the very least.

A while later Hermione and Ron left, they knew Draco wouldn't leave. So the raven looked at the Slytherin. "That kiss," he paused licking his lip, "did you um want to finish where we left off?" Harry could tell you down to the day the last time they had sex. If he really wanted to he could figure out the hour too. He didn't particularly mind, but missed Draco in an intimate way. "We haven't in a while have we?" The Gryffindor shook his head slowly. 'It's been a month and six days, but who's counting?' Draco however held concern. "Should we even be having sex?" Harry didn't understand at first, but then he did. "Trust me sex doesn't cause anything that's not already happening." He caught Draco looking unsure, and non-trusting in a way. "I swear it won't. Now do the whole needy passionate kiss again." The blonde didn't mind obeying that order. He was still a little worried, but figured that he could just take it slow. Harry kissed back with a need like Draco had never seen from him. 'Bloody hell Malfoy it's been at least a month, no wonder he's being extra needy like this.' They both dozed off about an hour later as close to each other as physically possible. They seemed to have forgotten the fact they were in a hospital, and quite a few people heard that.

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