Chapter 30

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3 months later
Harry was getting worse. Draco could tell. He was still frantically searching for a cure, with absolutely no luck. He even tried combining magic and muggle. His father and mother were also helping him look. It seemed as though there was no such thing. Harry could barely hold down any food nowadays and had started taking more naps. Nothing helped with the headaches either. He had lost a good amount of weight, and looked fragile. Draco had no clue what to do. He tried convincing Harry to go through some treatment until his throat hurt. Blaise and Pansy had no idea of how to help. Except for also searching for a cure. Everyone was. Hermione had comforted the Slytherin a lot much to his surprise. Though he didn't leave the house much, scared that if he did Harry would need him or something even worse. He usually only left to visit his father since he was still on house arrest. Draco never showed how worried he was directly to Harry. Though the raven could tell anyway. He knew Draco was still searching for a cure, but didn't have the energy to argue. Every so often Snape would visit the two. Harry enjoyed his visits, seeing as he treated him just the same. Not as if he were going to disappear at any given moment. Ron was a wreck along with Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys. Sirius visited once every other day, but the man couldn't hide his feelings in the slightest. Harry was just tired of knowing everyone was so lost and upset. All the Weasleys had even came home to the Burrow. The whole situation made them realize just how much time they didn't spend together. Ginny visited often too, she and Draco had even formed a unique friendship. Nyx and Persephone could tell something was wrong and spent a lot of time around the Gryffindor. When Persephone wasn't with Harry she was wherever Draco was. She also enjoyed visiting Lucius, the older Slytherin had a soft spot for the puppy. Harry would visit the Malfoy home once a week at least. Things were shifting, Harry's illness was more present than it had been. He was starting to lose his balance, but not too badly yet. It was killing Draco, or maybe just driving him insane. If he was being honest he couldn't tell the difference between them at this point. While Harry slept he stayed awake. He had grown more pale which was apparently possible. Eating was few and far between. What are you supposed to do when the person you're in love with is dying? Harry could see the differences. He could see so plainly what Draco was going through, and so many times he thought about how much less hurt the Slytherin would feel if he had just never owled him back. He felt guilty. He should have told Draco from the start. Then again, knowing the Slytherin he doubted much would have changed. Snape secretly worked trying to find a cure. He owed it to Lily at the very least, and he knew he had much more expertise than Draco. Though it stumped him as well, he had researched and tested everything he could think of twice. Yet he kept searching. Mcgonagall had visited a couple times as well. If filled her with a sorrow so familiar to one she felt as she heard James and Lily had died. Though she rarely ever showed it. She knew Harry didn't need tears or pity, he just wanted to feel normal. She spoke to him of the first years, of his parents, and sometimes Quidditch. Harry and Draco would only argue when the future was brought up. Harry begged an pleaded with him to let go at some point after his death. However Draco would just sit in silence not agreeing or disagreeing to. As much as Harry could annoy him, and get under his skin he had no clue how he could move on. He knew he didn't intend to. Sure Draco was only 23, but he knew he would never feel this way about someone else again. Harry knew he'd never felt like this before, and wouldn't again. Not like he had the time to try, nor would he want to. Harry wasn't the only one trying to convince Draco of moving on after he was gone. Pansy was as well, Blaise however felt like it was wrong. How would they know how Draco feels? They haven't ever been in that situation, and forcing him to move along against his own pace seemed wrong. It was almost as if no one knew how to act. Harry hated that the most. He hated the worry etched in everyone's faces. He hated how everyone walked on eggshells around him. So he wrote. He wrote letters before he couldn't. He wrote every thought and feeling towards everyone close to him. He wrote and wrote. It took him a month to get through all but one. Draco's letter remained unfinished, and he swore he'd finish it if it was the last thing he did. The rest of them were with Severus. Where he knew they'd be safe until, well until he finally passed once and for all.

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