Chapter 25

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The Gryffindor and the Slytherin stood in front of the fourth house they had looked at that day. For Harry they just seemed to have gotten bigger and bigger. A grand staircase being in two of the three they had already looked at. For Draco this was one of the times they were complete opposites and it was apparent. Where he wanted elegant and obvious high class Harry wanted simple and plain. They had yet to find any common ground, and Draco could tell the lady was getting rather annoyed she couldn't find something they had both wanted. They were in muggle England looking at houses all over London and the surrounding cities. They walked in through the front door looking around the foyer. The staircase was off to the side and curved with the wall. Draco found it hard to try and be neutral, after all if it wasn't simple enough there's no way Harry would go for it. Though looking at the Gryffindor he could tell he had liked the entrance too. They walked through to the living room which wasn't huge, but it was lined with bookshelves and had a well built fireplace. Harry could very easily make it look more simple with the furniture, and he knew Draco wouldn't mind as long as he could still have a touch of elegance. He smiled softly and walked through the next door to find a decent sized sunroom with a curved window and day bed attached. Harry was surprised to find himself liking the house so much considering the size. Though so far it had fit his needs, and Draco's too as far as he could tell. They continued walking through the gigantic house. The lady, Sandra looked quite pleased with herself as they talked about what they could do to make it perfect for the both of them. They finally had reached the upstairs about 25 minutes later. Harry and Draco had both loved everything so far. Aside from Sandra commenting on how random bedrooms could be a nursery. They had to tell her about five times they weren't planning on having kids.(John Mulaney anyone?) The chandelier in the bedroom was a bit much for Harry's taste, but if he ignored it he could be fine with it. He could also ignore the size once there was furniture. They entered the master bathroom and Harry had never fallen in love with a room so quickly. He decided then and there that even if the rest of the house was way too much he wanted this one. Draco realized this much to his own amusement. He leaned to the woman with a smirk. "He could hate everything else about this house, but he's probably going to get it just for this room." In that exact moment Harry turned to the Slytherin with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. Draco smiled brightly. "Well go on then." Harry wrapped his arms loosely around the blonde's neck. He quickly knew exactly what to say, even though he saw the way Draco had loved the house too. So he started off with a bit of a whine. "It's perfect and you love it just as much as I do." Draco laughed softly. "We haven't even seen the rest of it Potter." Harry smirked up at him leaning close and whispering. "And I've already counted about 50 good spots for you to fuck me, and that's without furniture." He kissed Draco's neck lightly as he pulled away with a huge smirk. Hey just because he's dying doesn't mean he couldn't still seduce his boyfriend. To say the least Draco agreed to the house quickly. Though they did decide to still look through all the rooms in the basement they hadn't yet. They also still hadn't seen the backyard either.

A couple hours later
Draco sat in the kitchen of Malfoy Manor with his parents. He still hadn't exactly told them about him moving in with Harry seeing as the idea was so last minute. "Harry and I bought a house today, we're moving in within the week." The two older Malfoy's smiled softly at him. They had been expecting it soon enough, especially now that Harry's condition had come out. "It's about time you two move in together Dragon, but just know that you always have a home here." Narcissa said softly. They hoped Draco would move back in after he was living there alone. They wanted to make sure he would be alright. "I know mom. Would it be okay if I took some the herbology and healing books, more like all of them?" Lucius nodded understandingly even if he hadn't understood, how could he say no to Draco? Narcissa looked at her baby and teared up a bit. She hadn't meant to, but Merlin he was so grown up now. After Lucius and Draco comforted her Draco called for a house elf to pack his things and and the books. He apparated to Grimmauld Place and found Harry packing his things. He rolled his eyes with a smile sitting on the bed. "You're the only wizard I know that instead of using magic or having a house elf pack, you do it yourself." Harry stood for a few moments glancing at his already packed boxes. 'Right I am a wizard.' He wasn't going to let on that he had forgotten that fact. "Well if you'd rather you can do it for me." He secretly hoped the blonde would, if he did it then it would be obvious. The Slytherin shook his head with an amused smirk. "I would rather watch you." Harry groaned leaning over to pick up another empty box. Draco looked him up and down licking his bottom lip. He stood walking up behind the raven-haired boy. He pulled him close by the hips with ease. He sucked on the Gryffindor's neck for a few seconds while Harry moaned softly before whispering. "Or I'm sure there's something else I could find to do if you don't like that idea." Harry dropped the box quickly turning to the blonde kissing him deeply. Draco moved his hands to the other's thighs and Harry quickly wrapped his legs around the blonde's waist. Draco moved them onto the bed sucking on the raven's bottom lip roughly. Harry grinded up against him moaning loudly as he entangled his hands in Draco's hair. The Slytherin moved back to his neck sucking hard on the same spot leaving a dark mark. (Ha I am so sorry, but that was fucking hilarious and y'all know it) Harry's moans started sounding more and more like whimpers. "Fuck what happened to no visible marks Draco?" He knew that the blonde obviously didn't care about that, but he was trying to hold onto his dignity. Whining sure as hell wasn't helping with that. Draco slowly bit the skin and hovered over. "So you want me to stop?" Harry groaned lowly pulling him back to his neck shaking his head. Damn the Slytherin for being good at everything he does. By the time Draco was done leaving marks there was a row down his neck. Harry flipped them over straddling the blonde. "It's only fair if I get to leave one." Draco laughed shaking his head. "Not gonna happen my ski-," but Harry had already started leaving one at the base of Draco's neck. Between Harry grinding and sucking on his neck all words left his head. Instead the only sounds he made were throaty loud moans. Ron opened the door to Harry's bedroom and shrieked loudly. "Oi mate, what the bloody hell?" Rubbing his eyes as if that would help remove the picture from his memory. Harry moved off of Draco quickly with a bright blush. He subconsciously covered his neck and pulled his shirt down over his jeans. Draco smirked up at the redhead. "Do you usually walk into people's bedrooms when the doors are shut and someone's obviously moaning, or is that just reserved for this one?" Ron's face was one of disgust. Now he had seen everything. He murmured something along the lines of shut up Malfoy. "Considering you just ruined my chances of getting laid I'd rather not," he glanced over at Harry, "Unless exhibitionism is another kink you have? Weasley would quite obviously be into watching." Harry slapped his arm gently and looked back over to Ron. "What did you need Ron?" 'Well for starters you could obliviate that image.' He pulled something out of his pocket and set it on the ground using an engorgio. "Mione' and mom said this is stuff you'll need since you're moving out. Mione' dug around and found some stuff your parents had in storage, it's mostly pictures. Mom had the same idea and she also packed you some sweaters and some cookbooks as well. I let mom pack her stuff first so everything Hermione found from your parents is on top. According to her "If you don't put it on top he'll ruin the whole order of the box and you'll let him." Sometimes I really do wonder how she does it." Harry got up from the bed opening the box, and surely enough there were multiple pictures on top. "Thanks for bringing it over, thank your mom and Mione' for me too." Ron nodded with a small smile. "Speaking of Hermione she still has about 20 minutes of her lunch break, maybe I can manage to pull her away from the books." Harry laughed softly as if Hermione would let that happen. "Maybe you can pull her on top of them instead." Draco said from the bed. Harry's eyes widened and shook his head. The last thing he wanted to picture was Ron and Hermione. 'Oh so this is how he felt walking in, poor Ron.' His face apparently showed how grossed out he was. "Oh Harry don't look so appalled, you know I'd let you shag me if I weren't straight." Draco snorted slightly at that. "If you weren't straight, he wasn't a bottom, and he hadn't liked the twins first." Harry whipped around to face Draco way too quickly for the blonde's liking. "Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Ron stared at Harry with an open mouth out of shock. "Wait the twins? Fred and George really? What have you had thing for everyone in my family?" Draco tried really hard to keep from laughing at that. He did. Sadly, he failed. "Malfoy you had a crush on them too shove off." Ron shook his head and walked out.

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