Chapter 33

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Molly had decided to leave the kitchen after that topic was brought up. Saying something about needing to clean. The twins were the first to arrive home. They couldn't even get a word out before Ginny exclaimed the question of whether or not they've slept with Harry. They both smirked. "Maybe we did." George started. "Maybe we didn't." Fred finished. Harry shook his head with a small smile. "No it wasn't them." Draco smirked a little. "He wishes." Harry glared over at him. "Like you don't?" Fred and George both sat in either boy's lap. "We always you two had a thing for us." They spoke at the same time. "You were both just so," Fred started, "innocent and pure." George finished. "It's been years since we've looked like either of those things." Fred and George pecked their necks and hopped up. "We had to wait until you two were together." The Slytherin leaned over whispering to the raven. He looked confused. "Are they saying they'd sleep with us now? If they are Potter you're the bane of my existence and I dislike you a lot, but I don't think I could pass it up." Harry chuckled softly shaking his head. "I couldn't either, so I don't blame you." At that moment Bill walked in and gave Fleur a deep kiss. Ginny almost lost track of why she was waiting in the kitchen, but quickly remembered. "Bill! Did you ever sleep with Harry?" Once again there was a shake of a head and a look of confusion. Harry glanced at her. "Are you really going to ask all of your siblings if I slept with them?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "I wouldn't have to if you'd just say who it was." Harry shook his head quickly. Draco pouted along with Ginny. He didn't know why Ginny was so curious, but ignored it for now.

A while later and Hermione and Ron walked in. Ginny whipped her head to look at him quickly. "Ron! Have you slept with Harry?" There was no immediate shake of the head, just confusion. His eyes shifted towards Harry with question and something else Draco couldn't detect. Though it seems Ginny could. "It was Ron? Wait, you slept with Harry?" Ron scratched his head awkwardly. Hermione looked between him and Harry. "I told you two you wouldn't keep it a secret forever." Everyone looked puzzled, especially Ginny. "We were 15! We were curious and horny and it was just a one time thing." Harry explained. Ginny tilted her head now looking quite curious. "Who topped? Was it good? I mean obviously it was for Harry. Wait fifteen you lost your virginity to each other?" They both nodded at the last question. "I highly doubt it was Harry who topped." Draco said glancing between the two. Hermione sat in a chair at the long table with a smirk. "Sure about that Malfoy? Back then Harry was actually quite the top. Well go on boys tell the story." Ron was completely red with embarrassment, he never wanted his whole family to know. He sat next to Hermione and put his face in her lap. "Technically it's your fault Malfoy. I ran into you late one night in fifth year we fought, and at some point he lost his wand. So I kind of sort of pinned him to the wall, damn you looked good that night. Way too damn good for fifteen. I was sexually frustrated and I thought you were straight so I left instead of doing anything else. Especially since I wasn't sure if I was going to hex you or kiss you. Both seemed like they could go wrong. When I got to the showers Ron was there, and it was well past midnight. So you know we were curious and horny 15 year olds with an opportunity. So yeah we had sex and I topped and it was good for the most part. I don't regret it, and he figured out he's definitely straight. No harm done."

Draco considered it to be a lot of harm done. "I remember that night, and now I'm highly offended you walked away." Harry rolled his eyes looking at him. "You had the chance to kiss me, you had plenty of those actually. 3rd year, 4th year, 5th year, especially 6th year. I was constantly around." Draco looked at him with a bitchface. "You were bloody spying on me, of course you were always around." Hermione, Ron, and Ginny practically screamed at them. "Would you two shut up and kiss already?" So they did, the kiss was heated. They both didn't care for the amount of jealousy they felt with no reassurance until now. Harry set his hand on Draco's neck gripping his hair gently. Ginny wolf whistled and then leaned towards Hermione, Ron, Bill, and Fleur. "Well we know he's getting shagged tonight." They all agreed silently. Draco pulled away and smirked at them. "I'd much rather make him wait, he gets needy. It's quite cute actually." Harry crossed his arms, leaning back, and glared at the blonde. "Draco Lucius Malfoy it is not cute and it's not fun either." Draco smiled softly at him twiddling his thumbs. He set his arms on the table. "We still have to visit Pansy and Blaise. Or did you forget about that already Potter?" Harry groaned softly, but glanced at the blonde curiously. He was still wondering something. "So when was the last time you and Blaise you know?" It wasn't that Harry was insecure or anything, but he'd seen Blaise. He wasn't blind, the Italian was very attractive. Far more attractive than Harry. The Slytherin noticed the look Harry held. He used to get the same look when he thought about how close Harry and Ginny are. "Give us a moment." The blonde spoke softly. He took Harry's hand leading him outside. Harry looked slightly confused, but let Draco guide him anyway. They didn't notice a few members of the family listening from the window. That or they just didn't care. "It was a good while ago. At least 8 months, we don't and never have had feelings for each other. When we were younger we thought we might, but it was just us being kids. Yes I find him attractive, but no it doesn't matter." Harry tilted his head listening to him. He highly doubted that was all Draco had to say. He was right as the Slytherin continued on. "It doesn't matter because he doesn't have a stupid lightning bolt scar on his face. He doesn't have rough calloused hands, or horrendous messy black hair. He doesn't have your bright green eyes that could hold anyone's attention. He doesn't have your obnoxious laugh, or your loud voice. Or your height for that matter which is perfect for doing this." The blonde pulled the raven close wrapping his arms around him kissing him deeply. Harry smiled kissing him back and felt all of his worries fade away. They heard Hermione talk loudly through the open window. "Why are you never that romantic with me Ronald?" They both laughed not taking their eyes off of each other. For those moments standing outside, everything felt like it was going to be alright. Maybe they both believed that, maybe they hoped that it would. Whether it was helpless or not you can't stop a heart from hoping for the best. No matter how small the odds. However in that moment it was Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter against the world, and nothing could ruin that, right?

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