Chapter 16

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The Slytherin and the Gryffindor were currently giving the aurors their wands at Azkaban, and to say Harry was nervous would be a complete understatement. He had to be losing his mind to go in a confined space with a man who would have gladly murdered him without his wand. Little did Harry know, Draco was nervous too. He was worried about the two of the most important people in his life not getting along. Or even worse hating each other. They walked down the hall holding each other's hand towards Lucius' cell. As they reached the cell Harry dropped Draco's hand looking even more nervous. The auror opened the cell door moving out of the way for the two. Draco lead the Gryffindor inside. The sight before them was of Lucius sitting on his bed deeply entranced in his reading. "Hello Draco." He stated with a smile not glancing up. "Father there's someone I want you to meet, well meet under a different title." Lucius looked up with a raised eyebrow noticing Harry immeadiately. 'Draco didn't tell him that I was coming?! Now he's asking for my murder!' Draco glanced between them both to keep an amused smirk off his face. "Mr. Potter pleased to make your acquaintance." With that he set his book down and stood offering his hand. Harry shook it almost animatedly as if he couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Mr. Malfoy." What really shocked the saviour was Lucius Malfoy pulling him into a hug. Even Draco was shook. The older blonde laughed softly at them. "What you didn't think I was going to stab him or something did you?" Harry gave him what could only be considered as a guilty smile. The younger Slytherin rolled his eyes at the raven-haired boy. 'What a dramatic.' If Draco were to say that out loud he'd surely start some stupid petty argument. Harry watched him and got a sassy look. "Hey I have a pretty good reason to be worried about it Malfoy." Draco crossed his arms, but decided not to say anything. Lucius looked at them with amusement. He always believed they would make quite the couple, regardless of him being a follower of Voldemort. He would never speak it out loud, but he was hoping Harry would win. Voldemort was kind of a douchebag anyway. Besides his sons happiness would always mean more to him. Anyone who could deal with Draco the way Harry obviously could he deemed worthy of his son. He could never understand why Narcissa was so against Draco being with a man. "Dad you're being awfully quiet, are you alright?" Lucius stashed his thoughts away and looked up at Draco. "I was just thinking how nice it is to see you so happy Dragon," he turned to the Gryffindor, "I probably shouldn't say this to the saviour, but if you hurt him I will murder you." Draco facepalmed with a small smile. Harry's response to that threat was always the same give or take the few tweaks he made to it every so often. Draco had heard it quite a few times. It was said to Draco most of those times. "With all due respect sir, I've been hit with an Avada Kedavra twice from a "very powerful" wizard. I doubt my death will be at the hands of another." The older Slytherin smiled at him. The kid did have a point. Draco and Harry visited with Lucius for what must have been most of the day. Harry genuinely enjoyed the company of the eldest Malfoy, even if he had been loyal to Voldemort. They spoke of various things, and as much as Harry enjoyed Narcissa's company, he much preferred Lucius. Then again Mrs. Malfoy was almost a ghost of a person, even Harry Unobservant Potter could tell that much. If you had told the Gryffindor even just a simple year ago he'd be visiting Lucius Malfoy in Azkaban he would have laughed in your face. Harry was pulled back to the conversation as Draco took his hand. "We should get going father, I must check on mother." Lucius nodded understandingly. How he wished he could help heal the sorrow of his wife. He knew his letters would never be enough. "Tell her I love her," the eldest blonde said wrapping his arms around Draco, "I'll see you soon son. I hope to see you soon as well Harry." Harry smiled softly nodding. It was bittersweet if you thought about it. Harry actually hoping to get to know Lucius and learn more about him. As Draco tapped on the bars of the door to be let out Harry said his goodbye. As they walked to the front of the wizarding prison Harry thought deeply. That is until his voice spoke his thoughts. "Maybe we could do something to get him out." Draco shook his head smiling gently. "Potter I appreciate the concern, but my father did indeed commit the crimes. There's no one in the Ministry that would even consider letting him out." Harry hummed lowly. The thing is he did in fact know many people at the Ministry. They grabbed their wands from the auror on duty  and apparated to the Manor. Harry looked at the Slytherin thoughtfully. Draco raised an eyebrow at the raven-haired boy. "Well, I do know quite a few people in the Ministry. Besides what's the point of being Harry bloody Potter and defeating Voldemort if I can't get a favor now and then?" The youngest Malfoy's eyes widened slightly. He shook his head vigorously. "No, no, no, and no. Are you sodding mad? What if this goes bad and we break up? Even if you don't send my father back to Azkaban, if it's my fault I'll have what you did on my conscious. People already judge you for dating me, what do you think releasing my father will do?!" Harry rolled his eyes pulling the taller boy close looking up at him. Sure he just came up with this idea, but he knew what he was doing. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you think I give a damn if the wizarding world is judging me? Your father should be here, at home with you and your mother. If I can make that happen then let me. Besides odds are I'll try with or without your permission." The green eyed boy smirked up. Draco sighed heavily and rested his forehead against the smaller boys. "I swear you're going to be the death of me Potter." "Do you?"

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