Chapter 32

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Draco was right, the whole wizarding world was looking for a cure. As soon as word got out Harry would receive owl after owl about possibilities. He ignored them while Draco read through each one. Nothing seemed to help. Draco had almost no hope at all. Until Severus Snape stood at their door with a potion. "Potter if I'm right, I believe this should slow down the growth of the tumor and give us more time to figure out a cure." Harry was shocked, he hadn't had a clue Severus was even trying to make a cure. Draco looked between the two and then at the potion. "It won't hurt him will it? You've tested it right?" Snape rolled his eyes handing the potion over to Harry walking in. He shut the door behind him. As Nyx slithered right up to him and he knelt down to let her wrap around his arm. "As if I would be so careless to give him something I was unsure of." Harry shrugged and downed the potion quickly. Snape wouldn't kill him, besides it'd be useless when he's dying anyway. He cringed at the taste and coughed a bit. Snape looked at them both as Nyx settled on his neck. "The symptoms shouldn't be as bad either, so if they worsen or stay the same we'll know that it didn't work." Harry nodded slowly looking confused. "I told you I care a great deal about my godson, and I owe it to your mother. Those cancel out my dislike towards you and your father Potter."

A couple days later and Harry did feel a lot better. So much in fact that he and Draco visited the Burrow. Molly was overjoyed when she saw Harry at the front door. "Oh Harry my dear! What a surprise." She engulfed him with a huge hug. He hugged her back with a wide smile while Draco waited for the hug he knew was coming. She quickly pulled him into a hug as well. "Come in. Come in. Oh Charlie and Ginny should be in the kitchen. Percy is around somewhere, and so is Fleur. You go say your hellos and then we'll have a cuppa." Harry and Draco said their thanks and the raven kissed her cheek before walking off with Draco. In the kitchen sat two gingers. Ginny looked up as they walked in running to Harry giving him a hug. "Harry! You're up and moving around, it's not even family dinner night." Harry smiled brightly nodding. "Snape figured out a potion to make me feel better and slow down the growth." Charlie looked shocked at that. He would have never guessed that Snape would help anyone outside of what he had to. Charlie and Draco had never really interacted one on one, so Draco decided screw it and sat next to the red head. "Draco means dragon in Latin, that's a pretty cool name." Charlie felt awkward as soon as he said it. He wasn't exactly anxious around people, it's more so he wasn't completely sure how to interact with them. Not in the way he did with animals anyway. Draco knew this fact from Harry and didn't mind it at all. "You can imagine my obsession with them as a kid. Hell I still want one." Charlie smiled softly feeling more at ease. Talking about dragons was easy territory. "There's tons where I work in Romania, some are pretty tame. Others not so much." He lifted his shirt sleeve showing the Slytherin his large burn mark. Needless to say it wasn't a difficult conversation for either to have.

Harry found Fleur in the garden and was greeted with a hug and of course kisses on the cheek. They caught up a little, she was quite glad that someone had found something at the very least. Even if it wasn't a cure. They walked back to the house together, as she updated Harry on Gabrielle. When they stepped inside they found Molly bustling around the kitchen setting the table up for tea. Draco and Charlie were still having a conversation, although at this point Ginny had joined in. Harry guessed Percy was too busy for a cuppa, but he didn't mind. He sat next to Draco with a bright smile. "These boys have been talking about dragons this whole time. Its It's ridiculous." Ginny said, though her slight smile gave away that she was intrigued by their conversation. Charlie turned to Harry and tilted his head. "Hey which dragon was it you fought in the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" Harry thought about it for a few seconds. If he was being honest he hadn't thought about the whole thing in months. However in that time Draco answered for him. "Hungarian Horntail." All four people at the table looked at him incredulously. Draco crossed his arms glancing at them. "What? It doesn't hurt to be observant." Fleur smirked a little at him. "Then what dragon did I face?" Draco realized his mistake. He hadn't a clue what dragon she faced. He realized that was evident as he sat there quietly. In his defense he was worried about Harry dying, a dragon? It was insane, and besides he didn't even know Fleur. "I didn't know you back then." Harry leaned back looking at him. "What about Cedric's dragon? You knew him didn't you?" The Slytherin sure as hell didn't care to seeing as Harry had had a crush on him. Though he didn't know which dragon he faced either. "You knew him a lot better than I did if I remember correctly. I'm also pretty sure you wanted to know him a lot better too. With him being your first older boy crush and everything." Harry smacked the blonde's arm with a light blush. Ginny smacked the table loudly. "He had a thing for you too idiot!" Harry looked shocked at that reveal. Ginny rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. "Harry who in the bloody hell says 'the prefect's bathroom isn't a bad place for a bath?' With a smirk like that to someone they're not trying to shag?" Draco looked between them with an offended face. "You never told me about that interaction!" Charlie was snorting with laughter at this point. He couldn't help it. The whole thing was completely ridiculous. Fleur was was covering up a laugh the best she could. "It was years ago Malfoy let it go. Wait I thought he was straight!" Ginny shook her head with a smile. "Who do you think Oliver Wood was shagging?" Harry realized just how little gossip he knew during his time at Hogwarts. He tilted his head. "So who all was shagging that I didn't know about?" Draco leaned forward with a smirk. He was very deep in gossip back in his Hogwarts years. "Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan obviously. Hermione and Ron, in case that went over your head. Pansy and Blaise just for the hell of it. Cedric and Blaise happened once or twice. Ginny and Blaise at least once. Neville and Luna a couple of times. I've slept with Blaise. Le-." Harry cut him off quickly. "Wait who all have you slept with, because I didn't know you slept with Blaise. In a non-jealous way how many times did that happen exactly?" Ginny smirked a little leaning forward. She knew Blaise and Draco had slept together on and off for years, even after Hogwarts. She wondered if Draco knew that she knew and would be able to tell Harry if he was lying. Draco sighed softly. He shouldn't have said anything. "It was just one time, okay that's a lie. It was a couple of times. Okay fine we've casually slept together on and off multiple times until a while ago. As for who all I've slept with you, Blaise, a couple of wizards you wouldn't know, and one or two muggles. Who all have you slept with?"

Harry decided he couldn't get jealous. He had slept with Ginny and she was less than five feet away from him. She was also one of his best friends. "Well you obviously. Ginny is another obviously. Luna, but it was just once! A couple of wizards and witches. Someone else whose name I can't say. Don't you dare give me puppy eyes I swore I'd never tell anyone." Draco didn't care for not knowing at all. So he looked at the raven with pleading eyes. "Can I at least have a hint?" Harry smirked at him. "Red hair." Ginny glanced at Charlie he shook his head quickly. As if, Charlie didn't care much for boys or girls or anyone in the romantic or sexual way. It definitely wasn't him. Everyone's head shot up as Percy walked in. Draco and Ginny glanced between him and Harry. "Did you sleep with Harry?" Ginny boldly asked. Percy about dropped his papers as he shook his head quickly. Ginny cast a tempus and smirked. "Well that's alright everyone will be home in just a little while," and then she paused, "Wait, you slept with Luna?" Harry blushed lightly nodding his head. He remembered the event very well, it was before the Ravenclaw had met her husband. Back when she wasn't exploring the world. "I had maybe a drink or two too much after we split up and well. She explained I needed something to help with my stress, and you know I'm flirty and joke a lot when I drink. So I jokingly, very jokingly said she should help. Then we ended up at her place and it all escalated. She made me breakfast the next morning and we went straight back to how we were before. Nothing more and nothing less. Before you ask no she wasn't drunk at all." Everyone was staring at him shocked. Who knew Luna had a wild side like that. Draco was slightly more jealous than he was shocked though of course. This was a topic of discussion they probably shouldn't be having at the Burrow of all places. "So was she good?" He tried to ask in a non-obvious way. However Harry saw the struggle to do that and smiled softly. "Nowhere near as good as you love."

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