Chapter 4

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They found themselves in Draco's bedroom a while later sitting on his bed. They were drinking firewhiskey and playing truth or dare. "Truth." Harry said with confidence, they had just started and didn't know what kind of dares Draco would throw out. "Who was your first kiss?" Harry rolled his eyes laughing softly. He took another drink before he answered. "Cho Chang." Draco sputtered on his drink. "Okay, wait. I don't believe you, we should use veritaserum to make sure we're telling the truth." Harry considered it for a moment, there's not too much that could go wrong with that. He nodded slowly. Draco disappeared and then reappeared holding a tube of the potion. He dropped three drops on his own tongue first, and then did the same for Harry. "Cho Chang was my first kiss, and it was 5th year, and she was crying over Cedric, and it wasn't appealing at all." Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing, sure he'd noticed in 4th and 5th year the Gryffindor had a thing for the year older Ravenclaw. He definitely didn't think that anything came out of it. "Now your turn, truth or dare Draco?" Draco considered his options for a moment. "Truth, what question could you possibly ask?" Harry laughed a bit thinking deeply about it for a few seconds. He tilted his head in thought. "Alright, who is the weirdest crush you've ever had?" Draco stared at him with wide eyes shaking his head quickly. "Damn you Potter, the twins, both of them." Harry smirked at him a bit. That answered his question about Draco's sexuality, but before he could stop himself the words were out of his mouth. "You weren't the only one in this room with that crush. They kissed my cheeks once in 4th year and suddenly I wasn't just seeing Ron's older twin brothers." He couldn't believe he just admitted that to Draco Malfoy of all people. Then again it's not as if Draco would say anything, he was in the same boat. Draco laughed softly looking at him. "That must have been weird for him." Harry shook his head. "I never told him, that's just you know something you don't tell you're best friend." The blonde smirked at him a little. Harry hated to admit that it was slowly becoming one of his favorite sights. "So you've kept it as your own little secret for almost ten years?" Harry smiled bright as he nodded taking another long drink of his firewhiskey. "Alright golden boy truth or dare?" Harry picked truth yet again, and realized they should probably just eliminate the dare option all together. "Why did you turn down my friendship in first year?" Of course Draco would ask that, if it had been Harry he would have been curious too. So he explained it. "You weren't the same as you are now, and back then you reminded me of my cousin Dudley. You insulted Ron the first person to ever show me a true interest in friendship, and I didn't want to be friends with someone like that." The Slytherin nodded leaning against his head board. He glanced over at Harry taking another drink. "What were they like? I heard some stories, but what's true?" Harry took to fiddling with his hands silently for a second, before finally answering. "I was the muggle version of a house elf." He chuckled dryly before continuing on. "I thought my name was boy up until I started school, I had all Dudley's hand me downs, and I slept in the cupboard under the stairs. More nights than not I'd go to bed hungry. They lied to me about my parents, and the worst of it was if I did accidental magic. Which was a lot of the time, well they took to beating me. It continued on over the summers while I was at Hogwarts too, because I could threaten them sure. What more was I going to do though? The worst summer was when they found out I was bi, I had a crush on one of Dudley's friends. He was always nicer than the others were, and apparently that showed. That night was the worst." Harry avoided Draco's gaze he could feel glued to him. He didn't want to find pity for him in those mercury eyes. Not over this. Suddenly Harry felt himself being hugged, he slowly hugged back. He wondered what to do for a bit and then nuzzled into Draco's neck holding him closer. They pulled away a few moments later and as Harry looked into those mercury eyes he saw nothing close to pity or sorrow. What he found was admiration, and anger. "With Voldemort you didn't care about potentially dying during the war, because you were raised to believe you weren't worth more than anyone else. That's why you're so selfless isn't it? That's why you don't care about the fame or the endless amounts of people that throw themselves at you, because you yourself don't get why anyone would see you as more than just Harry Potter. Not as the boy who lived, or the boy who defeated Voldemort. You've always appreciated being just Harry because even then it was more than freak." Draco suddenly understood why he would want to have ended Voldemort. It wasn't because he wanted the fame and the glory like he used to think it was. It was simply because his life meant less to him than people around him. He wanted not revenge for his parents, but justice. For everyone else Voldemort tortured and murdered. "You're the first person I've ever said all of that to. Sure you're not first choice, but Ron he wouldn't get it. His family loves him, and sure it's not the best money situation, but he always knows that he's loved and cared for. Hermione she's the same way. Her parents absolutely adore her. Even Neville, his grandma loves him. They don't get it, and I'm not sure that you would either, but with you I'm not going to be some pity case at least. I'm still Harry bloody Potter to you. You won't treat me different because of it." Draco laughed a bit at that giving Harry the warmest smile that he could manage. "You're right about that Scarhead."

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