Chapter 29

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A few weeks later Draco was getting ready, for what? He had no clue. Harry had told him to dress nice, but also muggle. So here he was wearing a sleek black tux and fixing his hair. Harry had sent him an owl earlier from Ron and Hermione's, and to say he was nervous would be stating the obvious. Harry apparated into the bedroom already dressed and sat on the bed. He could hear Draco fidgeting around in the bathroom. "If I can smell hair spray from here you're using too much Malfoy." He heard a squeak and what was probably hair spray hit the floor. He laughed brightly as Draco walked into the bedroom ready to bitch. Though he stopped as soon as he saw Harry. He was wearing a deep navy tux and had his hair gelled maybe? Draco had to catch his breath and the Gryffindor noticed. They both checked each other out. Draco bit his lip as he pushed Harry back just slightly before straddling him. "Or we could skip whatever you have planned and call it an early night." Harry ran his hands slowly up the blonde's thighs while shaking his head. "No we're not doing that, but we'll be home before you know it." The Slytherin groaned, but got up anyway. He didn't know what could possibly be better than his idea, but he was curious.

An apparition and a blindfold on Draco later the blonde still had no clue where they were going. "Potter if you run me into a single thing I'll hex you into next year. I swear to it." Harry rolled his eyes with a smile guiding him down a busy street. Harry knew what he was doing and where he was going. Apparently he was wrong, because he had to catch Draco after he tripped soon after. "This is the best idea you've ever had Potter, I mean it." Harry chuckled awkwardly. "Er sorry? I didn't see it, and it's horribly placed." Draco glared the best he could through a blindfold at the Gryffindor. "Horribly placed?! Potter how in the hell is a tree horribly placed? Even worse how did you not see it? You have your glasses on don't you?" The raven rolled his eyes yet again, yet stopped as he realized something. He smirked a little and stopped walking. "You're nervous aren't you?" The Slytherin had never scoffed so quickly. "Nervous to have you leading me with a blindfold." Harry shook his head with a wide smile. "No you're nervous about this in general, that's why you're so agitated." He could tell he was right by the expression Draco wore. 

After more walking and a fall later they arrived. Harry untied the blindfold and smiled wide. Draco glanced around and looked back at the raven with a raised eyebrow. "Tu ne parle même pas français." (Translation: You don't even speak French) Harry rolled his eyes with a slight smirk. "No, ma parlo italiano. Fai?" (Translation: No, but I do speak Italian. Do you?) The Slytherin looked impressed. He also wondered why Italian, but didn't want to question it too much. "I have no clue what you just said Potter, the only thing I'm sure of is that it was Italian." Harry laughed softly walking with him towards the restaurant. "Leave the ordering to me, since you know absolutely no French." Harry crossed his arms looking up at the blonde. "Chienne." (Translation: Bitch) They walked  through the entrance towards the host. "Table pour Potter." The older man grabbed the menus with a smile. "Droit de cette façon s'il vous plaît." (Translation: Right this way please) Draco smirked slightly stifling a laugh as he realized Harry had no clue what was said to him. He grabbed his hand leading them after the older man. The blonde spoke French with ease. "Je vous remercie." (Translation: Thank you) The man also handed them a wine menu and left. Harry glanced over everything in French and laughed softly. "I have no idea what any of this means." Draco smiled waving him off. "Don't worry I know what and what not to get you."

The waitress came over with her notepad already out. Harry didn't pay attention as Draco ordered the wine. He knew Draco had good taste. Expensive, but good. Harry liked hearing Draco speak French. The waitress left and Harry looked at him. "Your mother knows French right? She's the one who taught you? Does your father know it too?" Draco smiled fondly nodding. "Oui, but I branched out I also know Spanish and a moderate bit of Latin. However father also knows Bulgarian, and mother Romanian." Harry stared at him for a few seconds. He tilted his head as he thought about it. "How did I not know you speak Spanish or Latin?" The Slytherin glanced up as the waitress poured them both a glass of wine leaving the bottle. As she left he answered. "There's not much reason for speaking Spanish is there? There's maybe one or two Slytherins that knew it. Probably less in every other house. Except possibly Ravenclaw." Harry smiled softly at him. "Say something to me in Spanish. I want to hear how it sounds with your voice." Draco rolled his eyes, but stopped as he thought about it. Harry probably didn't know any Spanish. So he could say anything, right? "Estoy enamorado de ti. Now say something else in Italian. So I can actually pay attention this time." (Translation: I'm in love with you) Harry leaned back thinking about what he should say. If he said I love you in a language Draco didn't know it didn't count. At least he felt like it didn't count, but maybe he was wrong. "Sono innamorato di te." (Translation: I'm in love with you)

The waitress came back and Draco ordered for the both of them in perfect French. Harry never thought he could find himself so enticed by a language. Harry slid his hand across the table taking Draco's. The blonde lifted the Gryffindor's hand kissing his wrist gently. Harry blushed brightly looking away. They both had a feeling they knew what the other had said, but knew better than to ask. Besides how could they say with everything they knew was going to happen? Harry felt it was unfair, and Draco would be a mess. Even more so than he would be with them not saying it. If only the raven or the blonde had done or even said something sooner. If only they could turn back time.

Authors note: haiya, I know this is kind of a short chapter. However I promise longer chapters will be coming. I am also sorry that I am so bipolar with my chapters, but I promise I'm still writing and I'm still here. I have a lot of ideas and know how I want to end so it will definitely be finished, I'm just kind of insecure about my writing capabilities and if I'm really capturing their essence and whatnot. Anyway this most definitely will be finished and ohmygod over 800 reads?!?!?! That's insane, I can't with that. Thank you all so so much. You're all so amazing, and I love your comments. Thank you so much♡♡♡♡

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