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{Zach's POV}

We were all standing around for sound check. Messing around and pushing each other. I sat on the edge of the stage looking at Jack and Daniel try to slap each other.

My lips part to say something but nothing comes out except for a laugh as Jack gets smacked hard. He launches himself at Daniel stumbling into me while trying to.

I look into his brown eyes and smile. The moment ends when Daniel grabs his hand and pulls him up.

"Sorry Zach," He laughs.

God that laugh. It was like music itself and he didn't even have to sing. I adverted my gaze to Corbyn who was face timing Christina who was on her free period.

"Babe I miss you so much. I love you so so so much never forget that. And I can't wait to see you soon we are coming to New York. I'm going to hold you in my arms forever," Corbyn says blowing a kiss into his camera.

Jonah was drinking a coffee and playing on his phone. Sliding his fingers across his screen every few seconds in fast motions. For some reason I wanted to know what game he was playing but thought against it. My thoughts got interrupted when

     Tyler came onto the stage telling us it's time for the limelight meet and greet.

Slowly we all get up and go to the room.

Halfway through the meet and greet a girl comes down the line startinf with Daniel then lastly Jack. She starts talking about her meet and greet pose. She tells us her name Annie.

"So I want to hug Jonah! Corbyn and Daniel hug and Jack and Zach. I just think Jachary is just so cute. Is it real?" Annie asks.

I look at Jack.

"Jachary?" I ask.

"No it's not real," Jack speaks up making a strange feeling of disappointment go through my body.

Why was I upset? I zoned out till the end of the show. After everything was over I went straight to the tour bus and to my bunk.

Why did I only think about Jack? About what he said? What that fan said?

I drifted off to sleep no longer thinking about anything at all.

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