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[Zach's POV]

Today was the day to reconnect with the boys. It's been a couple days but it's been a long time needed for a break.

I say my goodbyes before rushing out the door. My flight leaves soon so I'm in a rush to make it on time.

We arrive at the airport and I rush through security as fast as I can with a couple minutes to spare. Not waisting time I just wait for flight #46B to be called.

 Not waisting time I just wait for flight #46B to be called

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@imzachherron: see you soon ✈🏙

❤liked by @seaveydaniel and  654,902+

@seaveydaniel: don't miss your flight buddy...

@user1: umm no thanks we don't need you

@user2: leave @user1 your negativity is not needed here

@jackaverymusic: I miss you so much bub ❤ can't wait to see you

@user3: awww I ship Jachary

I put my phone on airplane mode and shove it into my back pocket. After about ten minutes my flight got called and I shuffled onto the small plane taking my seat.

The flight soon took off and I sat in my seat looking out the window.


I woke up to a lady shaking me awake. I look up and rub my eyes.

"Sir? The plane has landed and it's time to leave," She says politely.

I smile and look around. I'm all alone. Everyone had already got off the plane. I stand up and grab my backpack swinging it over my back and walking out.

Pulling out my phone I check the time. 10:04am. I call an Uber and wait outside on a bench. Not even ten minutes later I was on my way to the house.


I thank the driver getting out and saying a quick goodbye. Walking towards the front door I notice all the lights off. I trudge inside closing the door lightly to not wake anyone up.

I carry my things to the room and set them down. A few noises are heard in the room next door and sobs.

I open the door and see Jack crying and rocking back and forth on his bed. This sight breaks my heart. Quickly I scoop him in my arms and put his head in my chest while playing with his hair. Little whimpering noises come out every now and then bit slowly fade.

"Shhh Jack what's wrong?" I ask holding him tight.

"I-I d-dont know," He cried looking down. Only he did know. Secretary Jack liked someone and he couldn't tell. It wouldn't only ruin a friendship but also much more.

"It's okay Jack everything is going to be okay b-okay, " I say stopping myself from saying babe.

He moves in my arms and looks up into my eyes. Damn him. We just lay there in a comfortable silence in each other's arms keeping eye contact. He looked away and put his head back into my chest. After a while he fell asleep and I just played with his curls.

I will probably update every day because I'm really bored and don't know where I'm going with this 😂😂

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