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{Daniels POV}

I get up early in the morning on the still moving bus. As early I mean three in the morning. I go to the kitchen and start the coffee maker and sit down to edit the song we where working on slipping in one ear bud.

I can hear whispers from one of the bunks and then a small moan. I roll my eyes slipping in my other ear buds to focus.

Why do they have to do it right now? When everyone is on the bus. Jonah walks out also with headphones on. He takes a mug and fills it with the hot coffee I just made. He slides across from me a smile on his face. Why is he so cute? No stop he likes Tate. I think.

I take out one ear bud to talk to Jonah as he does the same. I add a voice clip listening over it before I say something.

"So.. Jack and Zach?" I whisper. He nods.

"I couldn't sleep," He laughs a little as we hear another moan from the back and it gets quite.

I take a sip of my own coffee and go back to editing our song. I look up and Jonah is staring at me. He smiles. Take a picture it will last longer. I look back down then feel a hand on my leg. Jonah takes it off coming to my side of the booth and sliding in. We are now inches apart as he looks at the computer. Slowly I reach out and start working again.

His hand makes its way back to my leg and up to my thigh making my breath hitch. I close my eyes. Just breath I think.

"Daniel?" Jonah asks making me look at him. Hmmm I humm.

"I want to do this but I don't know if you do," Jonah whispers before leaning in and placing his lips on mine.

I sit there shocked not doing anything. Not kissing him back. Not pushing him away. Not pulling him closer. Nothing. He pulls away with a sad look about to get up and leave before I grab his wrist and slam my lips to his. The taste of coffee lingered between us. He licked my bottom lip and I accepted letting him fight for dominance. Of course he won. He pulled away leaving us both panting.

"Daniel you don't even know how long I have wanted to do that. Like I have always been Jealous of Jack and Zach because they could show that they love each other. But I was always too scared. Dani I love you so much," Jonah said looking into my eyes.

"Jonah I love you too," I managed to say before he kissed me again.

Switch up Donah but Jachary is gonna be back and better

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