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The wind blows around Jack as he closes his eyes and steps of the dingy hospital roof. Suddenly he is jerked back not being able to hit the bottom. He opens his eyes looking down at the street below people looked back up at him.

Jack lifts his head to see Jonah holding onto his arm making it painful. His heartbeat picks up as he becomes nervous.

"JONAH LET ME GO," Jack yells at his friend trying to wiggle away.

"NO JACK YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US.. Y-YOU CAN'T PLEASE GRAB MY OTHER HAND," Jonah yells reaching out for his hand but Jack pulls it away.

"I just want to die, I can't do it," Jack says not as loud as before.

Jonahs hand gets sweaty as he struggles to hold on. He grabs his wrist tighter with his other hand. Sirens fill the air as cop cars and fire trucks pull up in front of the building. Behind them Corbyn runs up the stairs that lead to the roof.

"Please Jack please I can't loose you too.. You can't die because of him you can't doe because he died it wasn't your fault. You can fall in love with someone else just please come with me," Jonah pleads making Jack angry.

"I would never fall in love with someone else just let me go," Jonah doesn't listen to him but pulls him up farther.

Jonah starts loosing his grip on Jack. His hands being sweaty make it harder. He slowly slips away from Jonahs hold.

Corbyn pushes open the door making a run to help Jonah. He takes Jacks arm out of his hold so Jonah can wipe his hands off and then pull his friend up.

Slowly both guys lifted Jack back onto the roof as they held him down so he didn't jump again or try. They get him inside and down the first couple flights of stairs.

"Why wont you leave me alone," He whines as he is being forced to go out.

(One week later)

Jack sits on his bed staring at the blank wall of an Institute. A mental hospital. Bars cage him inside like an animal so he can't escape. A women steps into his room calling out to him.

"Jack it's time for your medication," The women says as he gets up and follows her. She straps his arms in and then pulls out a needle flicking some kind of liquid.

Jacks eyes dart to it for the hundredth time. Petrified. She sticks it In his arm pushing down as he pulls on the straps.

He wakes up in his bed to only stare at the wall again.

I lied to you guys he's alive... And I decided to re continue this book ❤

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