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Zach woke up at around four in the morning. He tossed and turned in his bed for what felt like hours unable to go to sleep. He groaned before lifting the covers off of his body.

Going to the other room he found himself in front of Jacks bed. He slept peacefully his curly hair covering his forehead. Zach got the courage to get in bed so he climbed in trying not to wake this boy up. He Sucsessed when he pulled the covers over himself and Jack.

Jack lightly rolled over instincltly wrapping his arms around Zach and snuggling into him. Zach liked this he felt warm and fuzzy inside. Finally he closed his eyes before leaning into Jack and putting his head in his neck.

What Zach didn't know was that Jack was lightly awake and was fully aware of what Zach was doing. He wanted to put his arm around him on purpose.

This was his step closer to a new start.

I posted an edit I made on Instagram @seriouslyseavey tell me what you think about it

“home is the stage and the stage is where they belong”
Go check out the edit ❤❤

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