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{Zachs POV}

We just finished the something different tour and are now on an air plane back to LA. Jack sat next to me looking out the window.

"Please shut that Jack," I said grabbing my laptop.

Needless to say I was afraid of heights. Deathly afraid. And Jack having the window open scared me.

I set my laptop down on my lap opening it up to Netflix. Jack watching my every move. The movie that I had been watching popped up and I clicked play putting in one of the headphones and handing the other to Jack.

His hand slid down to mine enter lacing our fingers. A dogs purpose played and Bailey died waking up in another dogs body. Tears started streaming down my face. I can't watch this. I back out of the movie and scroll down my list before finding nothing. I slip my laptop closed and put it away.

I placed my head on Jacks shoulder and he places his head on top of mine. Slowly I start to close my eyes.

{Time skip by Daniels Giraffe neck}

The plane landed an hour ago and I'm now in my bed cuddled up next to Jack all jet lagged. It's like 2 in the afternoon and everyone is still asleep. When we got to the house it was about 6am. Jack carried my sleeping body up the stairs to my bed as he set me down gently.

He got up to leave but I quickly grabbed his hand. 'Please stay Jack' I said with a small smile on his face. He took off his shirt and climbed into the bed lifting up the covers and scooting closer to me. His arms wrapped around me pulling my body closer to his.

Here we are now Groggly looking at each other not wanting to move an inch. His hands went up to my face caressing my cheek.

Jacks messy hair was all over the place his curls everywhere. Why did he have to be so cute and he doesn't even try. He noticed me starring and leaned in placing a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away and smiling.

Wow! He really knows how to leave me wanting more. I smiled and layed my head into his chest breathing in his scent. He must have had a shower because he smelled of shampoo and his axe body wash.

I smiled to myself thinking why is he here with me. How did I get so lucky to have Jack in my life. He completes me. I want him to more than my best friend I want to call him mine. And only mine!

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