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Donah is over

Jonah has moved on and found himself happy with Tate. He was finally able to smile and not have it be fake. When Zach brought Tate over and they started talking Jonah knew he wasn't gay anymore. He would like to call it a faze.

Daniel hated it. Jonah led him on and made him feel so special. He wanted Jonah but Jonah didn't want him. Not anymore.

All those nights Jonah snuck into Daniels room to cuddle or to kiss where all a lie. Or the words of your the only one I will ever want.

It stung but Daniel knew that he would move on and find someone else. And now that Jo is happy he wants to find Daniel the same happiness someone that will treat him better than he did. He wants to find someone for Daniel.

"Daniel how about him?" Jonah asks pointing at a picture of the teen on the dating app.

"Listen Jonah I DON'T want another boyfriend okay.." Daniel mumbled shutting down Jonah and rejecting his proposition.

"I'm sorry Dani I just want to find someone who will make you happy," Jonah says putting his phone on the counter.

Daniel stood over and walked over to Jonah and stood between his legs. He looked right into his eyes before speaking.

"You know who really made me happy and made me believe that we had something. Jonah I love you so much and I just can't move on from you so fast. Don't you miss this?" Daniel whispers the last part putting his hand on Jonah's thigh and rubbing it. Daniel connected his lips to Jonah's for a brief second before backing up.

"Daniel you can't JUST DO THIS! I'M IN A RELATIONSHIP, DONAH IS NOT REAL. DONAH IS OVER," Jonah yells at the twenty one year old in front of him.

"That's what you think Jonah... That's what you think, just wait till you miss me and get sick of her," Daniel hisses before turning away and going up do his bedroom.

"Donah is over"

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