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*warning smut*

{Zach's POV}

The bed shifts as Jack comes to lay down in my bunk. I lift my head to the shirtless boy and smile. I rub my eyes and yawn.

Jack brings his hands down to my waist and climbs on top of my body straddling my waist with the room we have. He starts playing with my hair before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Remember when I said we would finish this later?" Jack asked biting his lip. I nodded.

"Good," He whispered smashing his lips to mine.

A small moan escapes when he places love bites on my neck. I giggle and pull on his curly hair.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I know it's your first," Jack breathed against my skin. I remember the time I dreamed of Jack shivering under his touch. I'm sure. I nod my head with a small smile as he whispers an okay it will hurt for a minute. Again I nod before leaning in for another kiss.

Jack swiftly pulls down his boxers positioning himself. {Sorry this is awkward for me to write so I'mma do 3rd person!}

{Third person}

Jack slowly pushes into Zach trying not to hurt him in the process. But still Zach whimpers and shuts his eyes. Jack stops letting him get used to it.

"I'm okay," Zach whispers after he felt okay too keep going.

Still Jack went slow trying not to hurt him. Low moans started to erupt from the boy on the bottom. Jack making small grunts here and there even though he could barely take the pleasure.

Both of the boys where happy. There first time was together. They were in love so that's what made it okay. These where the guys that want to spend the rest of there lives together. Hand in hand.

Jack placed his lips on Zach's as he was getting closer to his high. Zach was right behind Jack as he put his head back and dug his nails into Jack's back dragging them down. Neither boys could feel anything but each other and that's all the cared about.

Jack released into Zach as he became slower waiting for Zach to reach his. He came and Jack pulled out kissing the breathless boy under him before falling next to him. He pulled Zach closer to his chest and smiled.

"Zach I love you," He whispered placing a kiss to his forehead before closing his eyes.

"I love you too Jack," Zach whispered closing there eyes.

Both of the boys fell asleep that night in each other's arms. With the biggest smile on those gosh darn cute faces of there's. Aren't they glad everyone was asleep?

Cringe worthy sorry😂😂❤

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