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{Zach's POV}

"Shhh don't wake them up! Look how cute they are. Hurry up Corbyn take the picture."

"I'm trying Jonah!"

A flash goes off in the dark room lighting it up. I squint my eyes and look at the guys in front of me. Daniel slaps Corbyn against the arm.

"Corbyn," He says.

I look down at the boy sleeping in my arms. He was cuddled up into my side our legs tangled and his face in my neck. I can feel his soft lips slightly parted resting against my skin. My arms are wrapped around his waist holding him close.

All the guys stood in front of the bed watching us. I put my hand up motioning them to leave so they don't wake Jack up. The guys nod and turn to walk out of the room.

Daniel stays and goes over to his bed laying down and pulling his blanket up over his body. Turning around he faces the other way.

I reach up and put my fingers in Jack's hair twirling his curls around. I move my hands down his body and to his waist slipping my arms back around and lifting him up to pull him closer.

After a minute I lay my head in his chest and take in his scent. I feel him move in my embrace making me pull him closer. I don't want to move. Not now not ever. I soon fall asleep to his soft snores.


I wake up alone in Jack's bed. He no longer Ocupies it. Slowly I get up and stretch. Going back to my bedroom I grab a new pair of clothes and hop in the shower. After the shower I get dressed brush my teeth and start working on my hair.

After finishing my morning routine I go downstairs and see Jonah cooking breakfast. Waffles. Jack sat at the counter looking at his phone and occasionally taking a bite out of the waffles in front of him.

He looks up and smiles.

"Good morning," He says all cheerfully.

I smile and sit down next to him. Jonah turns around putting two waffles on my plate and I thank him. I sat quietly eating the waffles when Jack places his hand on my leg.

"I need to talk to you later Zach. It's really important," He says getting up and placing his plate in the sink and walking out of the room.

My heart beat was racing. Like there was a Finnish line only there wasn't one. No goal. But if I go fast right now I won't win. Is there a Finnish line? Am I missing something important? Why do I feel like this?

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