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{Zach's POV}

I look at the boy in front of me that just made me fall and drop all my stuff. His curly hair falls perfectly on his forehead. I look down more and notice the purple bags under his red puffy eyes. He looks almost the same as last time I saw him except the differences that stood out like the small stubble on his chin and the look of depression radiating off of him.

He just looks at me with shock and sadness as I reach out to touch his arm. He suddenly pulls back from my action and curls up in a ball crying. I slowly go to hug him but he screams at me.

"STOP! DON'T HURT ME," His breathing is really fast as he starts to hyperventilate. I don't know what happens but I'm pulled away by Daniel and his mom goes straight to helping Jack. She puts an oxygen mask on his face squeezing the end of it. She must have had it in her purse.

"Jack?" A little girl cries watching what's going down. She had on a small Avery shirt with the 1/5 logo.

"Sweetie you shouldn't be here," Daniel says looking at her.

"No Daniel!" She says running to Jack and crouching down next to his body. She runs her small fingers through his hair before whispering in his ear but clearly so everyone can hear her.

"Jacky? It's me May. Please be okay please. I can't live without you Jack. You helped me so much and I need you the most right now I can't loose someone else. Jack you can get through this remember everything will get worse before it gets better. This is the start of the bright side," May finishes while Jack calms down. He lifts his hand and takes off the mask and opens his eyes. He looks at May then hugs her tightly.

Daniel then starts pulling me away and towards the exit. "No I need to see him," I tell Daniel but he continues pulling. I rip my arm out of his grip and started running back to him. I needed him right now. I didn't care about Zeek he was a just someone so I could get over Jack. Now that I see him again I realize what I lost.

"Jack," I whispered. He didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." I say looking down.

"No you didn't because you were to selfish to me. I told you I wasn't going to give up but you did and you never read my messages after s month and you never responded," He says wiping the tears away from his face.

May still held his hand and sat with him. Where is her mother?

"May sweetie where is your mother?" Jack asked if on que.

"She left us and is now an angel in heaven. That day we left we went to a clinic and she had cancer. Dad has been gone so my neighbors take care of me till I find a family to adopt me," She says still with a smile on her face.

Jack hugs May again and asks to talk to her neighbor. She agrees and Jack stands up following her to a woman who smiles at him. They talk for some time and Jack is smiling for the first time in forever. Maybe he would see the light. Have a new beginning.

"Daniel? Can I make a proposition?  How about we make a song and be the band again? Bring back Why Don't We?"

He thought for a moment before he responded.

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