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You ever question yourself on what it would be like to be kidnapped. To have stuff implanted in your brain? Memories you never had but where so vivid like they where real?

Nope! Haven't even thought because it can't be real can it? It would never happen to you? It happened to Jack.

Turns out he had been missing for over a year and didn't even know. He didn't know because he was so wrapped up in the fake memories of his friends. The special hospital was someones basement. And the girl that helped him escape was another prisoner held captive. Both in a fake world.

The man soon got convicted for his crimes and Jack was free. Back to the real world. With his friends and family. But he was still scared. The fake memories where still there and everytime he was away from Zach he would cry.

Being shown the place that Jack was kept it looked like the mental hospital room but outside it was just a basement with dirt floors. When they got there their where two more people. Why so many? Why hadn't they found this guy?

I guess we will never know. Never know why we where his science test subjects. Or what he planned to do.

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