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{Jacks POV}

I got back to the house a couple hours ago and it was empty. The first thing I did was go to the fridge and raid it for any snacks I would eat. Nothing caught my eye so I popped my head under the counter and grabbed a pack of ramen.

Reaching up I get a glass bowl and put the noodles in filling it up half way. I pop it into the microwave and set it on three minutes. I walk around the counter and sit at the table pulling out my phone.

My home screen pops up of a picture of Zach and I. It was a picture of Zach looking at me smiling and me smiling back at him.

Just looking at the picture made me smile. And I barely smile. I'm pulled out of my trance when the ding from the microwave goes off. I get up and grab a fork to eat my noodles with. After I sit down and eat them.


I sit on my bed the TV on but I'm not paying attention to it. Not at all. I'm looking through my photos. Most of them are of Zach and I.

God this boy is special. Isn't it obvious I like him? What's not to like about him? The only person that knows I'm gay is my mom.

When I was about fourteen my mom tried to get me my first girlfriend. She would invite girls over and have parties with the family. She always told me to hang out. After about a year of these parties I told her.

"Mom just stop I'm not who you want me to be, and I don't want a girlfriend. Not at all! Mom I'm gay I like guys."

Since then she supported my decision. But occasionally she would ask about Zach because of how close we are. I don't know what to say.

The tears start to flow down my cheeks as I'm thinking about him. About how complicated things are. But his cute face still shows in my mind. In my thoughts. I just want to yell ZACH HERRON I LOVE YOU! But I can't.

The door opens and there he is. The boy who overtakes everything I do. He comes over to the bed scooping me into his warm embrace. Resting my head into his chest I cry. I just want to tell him. So bad.

"Shhh Jack what's wrong?" His soothing voice asks pulling me closer.

"I-I don't know," I lie.

"It's okay Jack everything is going to be okay b-okay," He whispers.

I tilt my head up and look into his eyes for a good minute before putting my head back in his chest. His scent calmed me down.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Zach pulling him as close as I could get. His hands played with my hair making me tired. I closed my eyes and fell asleep on him. With the boy I have loved for so long.

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