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*warning sexual*
Do not read if you can not handle reading anything sexual or if it upsets you.

{Zach's POV}

I walk into the room we would be practicing in. Daniel was stumming his guitar. Jonah was doing a warm up and Corbyn was looking around. Jack wasn't in the room right now.

Daniel looked up stopping his strumming. He nodded and I sat down on the couch Corbyn got up and closed the door.

"We have to wait for Jack," I say.

"Sorry bud he isn't coming he doesn't feel well so he's gonna sleep it off," Jonah says and I nod my head.

We start practicing our new song these girls.


After practice I go to the kitchen to get a drink. The cold water burned my throat even though it was at a shocking temperature and had ice cubes. I set the glass down and turn to go up the stairs.

Stopping at Daniels door I nock and Jack answers it. He reaches out and takes my hand looking around to make sure no one was coming.

He shuts the door and locks it.

"Jack are you feeling okay do you need anything?" I ask concerned.

"I can go get you some-" I'm cut off by a pair of lips on mine. At first I don't kiss back shocked of what just happened and then I start.

His tounge swipes my bottom lip a couple of times before I pull away. I stand there looking at him with lust in my eyes. I needed this boy.

"Z-zach I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have done that! It wasn't right," It was now my turn to kiss him.

It wasn't right. But to me it felt right. He was what I needed. I craved him. Ive wanted him to kiss me for so long.

His right hand holds the back of my neck while his left is on my cheek. My hands are however are holding his waist.

He slowly backs up making us fall onto his bed not even breaking the kiss. I straddle his waist. Slowly his fingers hook around the hem of my shirt lifting it off and throwing it to the other side of the room. My lips find his neck and I look for his sweet spot making him moan.

"Shhh babe don't be loud," I say starting to grind on him slowly making him groan in frustration.

I stop and take his shirt off before starting again. He grabs my hips pushing me down onto him harder. I moan. I could feel he was already hard and so was I.

I got off of him and neeled down in front of his legs. He wasn't wearing a belt so I just ran my fingers up hooking them in his waist line pulling off his jeans and boxers. I grabbed his thighs pulling him closer to the edge of the bed.

I took his shaft into my hand pumping it a couple times before kitty licking the top. I took him all in my mouth bobbing my head. His hands gripped the bed sheets tightly. One of my hands still pump what I can't fit in my mouth but my other grips his waist.

"Z-zach I'm gonna-" He closes his eyes gripping the bed tighter as he comes in my mouth.

I look Jack in the eyes swallowing the load he just released into my mouth. The warm substance slid down my throat leaving a salty taste I  my mouth. Jack panted as he watched.

His hands come up pulling me onto the bed laying next to him. He undoes my buckle pushing my jeans. He takes my shaft in his hand pumping it up and down. I have to hide my moans by sticking my head in his neck and pulling on his hair.

He goes faster making me squirm and grit my teeth. I can feel my high coming and I can't take it anymore.

"Jack," I yell into his neck as my high passes over and I cum. He leans down licking me clean.

After we just lay in his bed together our arms wrapped around each other as we drifted off to sleep.

Welp I'm not a child of God anymore and this isn't supposed to happen yet 😂. Well I'm sorry and goodbye...

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