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{Zach's POV}

I was in the hospital room sitting in the plastic chair holding her hand. The smells where all foreign and smelled of rubbing alcohol and I swear death.

My mother layed in the bed not moving. She was hooked up to multiple machines and had tubes attached to her face. Why? Why her?

Why do people have to just go and ruin others lives. They go out and party. Having fun while bumping out to music. Drink after drink the red solo cup always got refilled. Instead of calling an Uber they get behind the wheel. This time it went wrong the blue truck didn't stop. Hitting the drivers side of moms car.

Corbyns hugs where the best. The kind that made you feel safe and that someone cares. He holds tight but not to tight. As he hugs it always wants to make you spill everything. To cry into his shoulder.

So that's what I do.

"We broke up. Or I broke up with him! Before you say anything it was for the best. To be honest he probably loves her. The look in his eye and the way they interact. They wouldn't have to hide like me! She is perfect I am not. She is worth more time than me. Why couldn't I be her? Why can't he love me? I thought he did but was it all a lie?" I ask the blonde holding me closely.

My phone starts ringing and he let's go off me as I reach into my pocket to grab my phone. An unknown Texas number shows on the screen confused I answer.

"Hello are you Zachary Herron the son of Myta Herron?" The lady on the other side of the phone asks.

"Yes who is this?" I ask.

"This is Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, your mother Myta got into a car crash. She was hit by a drunk driver the man died that hit her. But.. She is in Critical condition and might not make it," She explains.

I hang up the phone after giving a small thanks. Tears where already falling and just added on to the ones from Jack. Corbyn ended up buying plane tickets and we just left from there. Texas here we come.

There is a knock on the door and I stand up to open it. My eyes had bags under them and I was very tired. I looked up to see the person I least expected.

"Jack you came?" I asked. I pulled him into a tight hug because I needed him. It's been so long. I needed his comfort and his warm hugs. I needed to hear his soft voice.

Oh how did I get to love this Jack? Why is he here with me now? Why is my mom laying in this hospital bed? Why won't she wake up? Oh why oh why?

Too many damn questions... It's just fate. Fate brought me here. Fate made her get in the crash. Fate let me find the boys. Fate let me have Jack. Fate is fate. It just happens.

Just then a sound I thought I would never hear rings through the room.

Hey guys ❤ I'm absolutely shooketh like this fan fiction has gone from #7 and #3 ranking and it isn't even that good but like thankyou it means a lot. Idk what to even say ooof 😭

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