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{Jack's POV}

It's been two days. Two days and he hasn't come back. Zach and Corbyn Dissapeared that night. They left to some place that I don't know.

Jonah and Daniel kept giving me dirty looks as I went downstairs to get a drink. But no food. I couldn't eat. It just made me feel sick to my stomach.

A knock sounded on my door. I pulled my covers over my head and whipped the tears away. "Go away," I say putting my head in my pillow. I really didn't want to talk to anyone but him.

"Jack you need to eat something it's been two days. Please just eat something anything this isn't healthy," Jonah said opening the door.

"I'm not hungry," I gave out a pathetic laugh. "Where is he Jo? He's what I need."

"Wow Jack it isn't always about you! He went to Texas to go see his mother who is in the hospital. Maybe you should stop crying like a child and go to him," Jonah says Rolling his eyes.

Myta is in the hospital? Why? I grab a backpack and throw some random things in it. Right now I don't care that I'm making a mess. Booking the next flight I get in an Uber and head to the airport.


I looked around before running up to the lady at the counter. Putting my hands on the counter the lady looks up the phone on her ear.

"What room is Myta Herron in?" I asked.

She looked down at her computer and typed away. Without looking up she said "room 172 floor 2" I hurried out of the room and into the elevator.

A guy walked into the room followed by Corbyn Besson. His hair was short and a dark brown colour. He gelled it up so it wasn't sticking out everywhere. The two guys walked up towards me. My brown eyes met his and sent shivers down my spine.
"Hey Jack I want you to meet Zach he is going to be doing the digitour with us," Corbyn said and I smilled. We all just stood there in silence. Randomly he touched my arm making goosebumps appear. "Let's go sing somewhere we can all work on a song together," Zach suggested. We agreed and left together.

The elevator opened and I found my way to the room. Knocking lightly on the door it opens to Zach who had bags under his eyes. I pull him into a hug.

"Jack you came?" He whispered hugging my body tightly.

Corbyn was probably at the house watching Reese and Ryan. While Zach stayed here to take care of his mom. What even happened?

Sorry also Thursday I will probably not post a chapter because I have a choir concert. Also I just got my tickets for the Wisconsin State Fair so if anyone is going dm me on Instagram @seriouslyseavey

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