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{Jacks POV}

I stand in front of the door to the Why don't we house. My house. My boyfriends house. My best friends house. Tears start to fall down my face again as I sit down my back against the door.

Inside I could hear laughter and Corbyn yelling. "No dont shoot me" Probably jumping over the couch as they played nerf guns. "Zach why don't you play with us?" He asked. "Not in the mood," His voice cracked.

I sobbed as I thought. I made him this way again and I can't even give him an explanation. I just need to leave and never come back. He would be much happier. Much more happier. Without me.

I don't want to think about it but it is true. I slowly stand up and open the door walking in making the guys stop everything looking at me. Zach yelled my name before running to me and wrapping his arms around me. Placing a soft kiss on my lips before I pushed him off.

"No.. Zach I cant," I say looking down.

Everyone left the room leaving Zach and I alone. Now is my chance. I sat on the couch and Zach Sat next to my small body compared to his.

"Jack?" He says tears streaming down his face. Oh god I did this. I made him broken again. For the hundredth time.

"I cheated on you," I say really fast holding my breath. He doesn't say anything yet so I continue.

"I was drunk and I don't remember anything all I know is I was at-"

"HOW COULD YOU?" Zach yelled finally standing up. He threw his arms up and a hand ran through his messy brown hair.

"It wasn't my-"

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT ME. BUT YOU CHEATED TWICE! TWO FUCKING TIMES!" He screamed tears becoming worse as his eyes were now red and puffy.

"WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME?" I yelled back at him.


Zach swiped his arm on the counter throwing everything off and shattering a vase. He flipped the table in the living room before Corbyn came in and grabbed him holding him close. I sobbed as he glared at me as I just stood in the middle of the living room.

"I never want to see you again," Zach choked on his words.

"No you don't mean that.. Please don't mean that," I whispered.

He didn't reply so I ran up the stairs to my room grabbing a bag and slamming it on my bed. I grabbed handfuls of my cloths shoving them in not even folding them. I did this multiple times till my closet and dresser was empty. Grabbing my phone I booked a flight home.

"UGH," I screamed punching the wall. Daniel came into the room with a sad expression before pulling me into a hug.

"Please explain," He whispered.

I sat on his bed as he did the same and I explained to him what happened. I was at the bar that night I left. I don't know how many I drank but it wasn't a lot. I remember going to the bathroom then nothing. I woke up in a hotel bed naked. I wasn't in my room but the person in the room I was in checked out and left leaving me there. My clothes where on the ground by the bed and marks where left on my wrists and neck. Daniel just listened and nodded realizing what had happened. I got up as he didn't say anything more. I grab my closed suit case and go downstairs and out the door not even saying goodbye.

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