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Jack and Zach decided to go to the bar for a fun night out after not having many these days. Daniel showed up at the house taking May from Jacks arms and pushing them out the door. Go have fun he says with a smirk.

Jack was sitting at the bar drinking while Zach grumbled about wanting to dance. Zach finnished his drink being tipsy and trying to get his husband to dance with him.

"P-please Babeeeey just one ddance," Zach giggled pulling on Jack's hand.

Jack pulled his hand back saying no as Zach just frowned and joined the dancing crowd. Jack keeping his eyes on his sexy husband. After a while Zach smirked and another guys hands where on his hips. Making sure Jack was looking he started grinding his hips on the other guys crotch making him moan. Zach grunted and did it more making Jack get up angerly.

He pulled Zach off of the dance floor and out of the club by his wrist getting into Jack's car. He started it not saying a word before speeding home. Jack and Zach got into there bedroom slamming the door shut.

"Your going to pay for that Zachary Dean Avery! I bet he can't do this better than I can, I bet he can't fuck you better than I can," Jack hisses grabbing Zach's hips and making them grind onto Jack making a moan escape his parted lips.

"Jack," He moaned tilting his head to the side letting Jack leave Hickeys and love bites on his neck.

"Strip on the bed now," Jack demanded going to the drawer as Zach took off all his clothing. Jack grabbed the handcuffs he never used and crawled onto Zach bounding him to the bed unable to move his hands except to hold onto the bed posts.

"Jack I need to be able to touch you," Zach whined pulling onto the cuffs.

Jack just nodded his head no and began to strip slowly for Zach. First his shirt then his jeans slipping them off the slowest. Off came his kelvin kleins onto the floor.

He smirked before crawling in between Zach's legs and slowly kissing his lips then leaving a trail down his chest abs to his inner thighs. Zach grunted as Jack Kitty licked his tip before taking in his full length making Jack choke. Jack slowly bobbed his head making the younger man squirm under his touch as he held his hips in place.

"J-jackk I'm c-close," He moaned holding tightly onto the bed post.

Jack smiled and pulled away making Zach mad. But before Zach could call him a bitch Jack slid into making Zach try to reach around his back. Zach wimpered squeezing his eyes shut as pleasure ran through his body. Jack started going faster pounding into his husbands ass to show him who could do it better. This was his punishment more pleasure till he reached his highest orgasm. Zach's eyes where rolling into the back of his head as he screamed Jack's name.

"Who can do it better?" Jack moaned into Zach's neck.

"Y-you D-d-daddy," He could barely say.

"Jack I'm so close fuck JACK," Zach screamed pulling on the handcuffs again and cum shooting out of his dick. Jack came at the same time but didn't stop so that he could keep Zachs high going. After Zach came a second time Jack unlocked the handcuffs leaving him and a breathless Zach panting.

Jack wrapped his arms around Zach's small frame and pulled him into his chest before kissing his lips and closing his eyes.

"I didn't know you would get that jealous," Zach whispered before kissing Jacks forehead and falling asleep in his arms.

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