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{Two years later}

Jack Avery was looking in the mirror with a big smile on his face. He adjusted the bow tie around his suit collar before turning around to face to face him and Zach's daughter May.

"Hey sweetheart are you ready?" Jack asked fixing her own bow on the top of her head. She giggled before jumping up grabbing the flowers.

Jacks friends Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn where already in place waiting for Jack to walk down the isle to set his own spot. He got to the alter and hugged his bros giving them all thanks for everything.

His daughter followed closely throwing flowers on the ground.

The music started and he turned to look at his handsome fiance being walked down the isle Jacks mom beside him. Jacks mom had a huge smile on her face and was close to crying. God Zach was so hot in his suit Jack just wanted to rip it off of him.

When Zach stepped in front of him Jack grabbed his hands intertwining them together.

"Today we have gathered to celebrate Jack Avery and Zach Herron as they join hands and become one"

All of our friends and family hooted and hollered. Jack Zoned out as he looked at Zach falling more in love by the second. Tears pricked his eyes as he stared into the chocolate brown ones staring back at him.

"Jack, Jack?" The priest says snapping Jack out of his trance.

"Do you Jack Avery take Zach Herron to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," He says with confidence.

"Do you Zach Herron take Jack Avery to be your Lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Zach says tears falling down his face making Jack full on cry with him.

"You may now kiss the groom," He says.

Jack waists no time to place his lips on his now husband making it the most lustful and best kiss he has ever had. He pulled Zach closer to his body a big smile on his face.

"These are coming off tonight," Jack whispers into his ear before pecking his lips again.

The rest of the night was hanging out with family until they had to leave to the airport to go on there hunnymoon.

Jack and Zach where the happiness men on earth. They had each other and they had there best friends Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel as a man band. This was something different and both of them liked it. Never in a million years about six years ago would Zach or Jack of thought I'm going to be in a band and Marry the love of my life. Never did they think they where soul mates until they found each other. This love was unbreakable which made it so special. Something different what's that?

Really bad ending but I'm going to be writing some new books that I have already started ❤ and thank you all I love you so so much. I don't think I would be here writing this if it wasn't for you guys or why don't we 😂 but yeah thank you so much 💕

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