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{3rd person}

Jack Robert Avery wasn't the same outgoing boy he used to be. He was now shy and afraid of anyone that would put a hand on him. He wore hoodies everyday to hide the scars that ran down his arms.

None of the guys have even cared enough to keep in touch except Daniel one time. Jack was sad and alone. He would sleep all day and when he was awake would cry his eyes out for the millionth time. He only ate some food because he wasn't feeling into it he would usually reject what his mother brought up to his room. "I'll put it in the fridge for when you want it," She would always say but end up throwing it away in the end.

Jack can't go to counseling or therapy because he would have a panic attack and get flash backs of that night. "I never want to see you again" Or the sound of a guy talking. He doesn't know who but can hear it clearly after he drank the drank he gave him.

Jacks mother finally got her boy to get out of the house and they were on a plane to LA for the week. Jack was going to sing on stage at a small gig even though he hasn't played music in so long. He hasn't wanted to but he promised his mom. She hoped that it would make him a little happy.

Zach on the other hand was having the time of his life. He moved on after many days of crying and found a new best friend a girl. Her name was Tate and they clicked but she ended up dating Jonah. Zach soon met a boy he really liked named Zeek and started to talk to him more not even giving a thought to Jack.

Daniel however missed his best friend and everything they used to do. He missed the shows and the times when they were happy. He didn't have a girlfriend or really even a best friend anymore. He never wanted to do anything but sing and start his solo career. Without Jack they couldn't continue the band it didn't feel right to any of them.

Corbyn moved to New York and bought an apartment to live with his girlfriend Christina. She was still in college but was on her summer break. Corbyn was for the most part happy and ended up writing a couple new songs that he never got the chance to put out yet.

Jack just got off the plane that landed and had his hood up and he made his way out of the airport. He held his bag close and looked down as he walked.

His mom stopped at the store and they got out of the car. They walked inside. Jack was looking down when he bumped into someone falling on the floor the other guy doing the same dropping all there items. When he looked up he was shocked and hurt worse but a small spark ignited in his chest. He looked at the bracelet on his arm and thought everything gets worse before it gets better.

Then it happened.

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