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Shocking story biggest rising Boyband that quit four months ago and left millions devastated came back together for the new and uprising music they are going to create for the limelights. Today we have members Jack Avery and Corbyn Besson to speak about why this all changed and what happened.

"Well thank you for having us. My name is Jack Avery I was a member of Why Don't We four months ago and I left after I was told to leave. Something happened at a bar and I was drugged. After months of being at home depressed and not eating my mom got me out of the house finally and I came to LA for my birthday. I ran into Zach at the store literally and I had a panic attack. What happened was a little girl actually kept me going saying Jack you know everything gets worse before it gets better and that this would be the bright side and you know what she was right. And now she is my daughter I adopted her this past weekend and we all moved back into the house out here. Im still learning some things and getting better from my old ways and still doing some things. I just got to learn to trust again," Jack says smiling.

"Well Jack save some talk for me. Haha anyway my name is Corbyn Besson. I just moved out of my girlfriend BeautyChickees apartment and back to LA to continue my music career. I have been waiting for this to happen for a long time but soon gave up because I didn't think it was going to happen and I started a solo career not officially publishing the songs I had written. But I'm happy to be back with my best friends again and to be able to all be happy through everything that has happened. And I hope someday in the future everything will be better than ever. I just want to see my friends happy and I'm happy," Corbyn says.

Okay that is it on the band why don't we. Go check them out and give a listen to there music.

Zach shut off the TV before going into his bedroom. He layed in bed in his bed tired but unable to go to sleep. It was his fault that Jack was like this. It was his fault that they didn't continue being a band. Basically he kicked him out. He didn't give him a chance but now he knows. He knows how much it hurts. He hurt his best friend. He hurt his soul mate. "I never want to see you again" Rang through Zach's mind over and over again. There was a light knock on the front door. Zach let out a groan getting up and going to see who was there.

"Zeke," Zach smiled. Zeke kissed Zach but he didn't feel the spark. He never did.

"Listen Zeke we can't keep doing this!" Zachs words stung the small boy in front of him.

"W-what? It's because you love him isn't it? Where is he?" Zeke stuttered obviously hurt because the boy he loves doesn't love him back.

"I'm sorry... We can only be friends," Zach says breaking the awkward silence that was left.

The blonde haired boy turned around and left without another word. Zach felt happy now like something wasn't waying him down. He had Jack back that's all that matters.

May comes out of Jacks room. "Hi Zachy I'm hungry," She says walking towards the kitchen. He follows her pulling out some Macaroni and cheese from the pantry. After he finished cooking he set two bowls on the counter and lifted May up to one seat and he sat in the other. The boys got back from the interview and walked into the house.

"Wow,  Zach would make a great dad," Corbyn says watching May and Zachary interact.

Jack just stood behind him a big smile on his face. Deep down he knew that him and Zach would start again. That he would be a perfect dad for May.

Oof this book is almost done idk how many more chapters In should do!  ❤❤ thank you guys for 4k reads that's crazy ily all. And happy birthday to Jonah. 20 is a big number for our baby 💙🎂

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