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{Zach's POV}

It's been a month since that day. Since my mom left me. It was a week have spent crying. A week I have missed her. Not a day goes by that I won't think of her. I have kept my promise though. Reese and Ryan moved in with us in California and are now on tour with us. They share a bunk bed in the large tour bus while mine is above theirs.

Why don't I share one with Jack? Well I do sometimes. She's back so I'm never really in the mood. Gabbie comes to almost every show so he always spends that time with her. Not me. But tonight I wanted to show that he was mine. And only mine.

Gabbie was coming with us to ride to the next show then she was to go home. It was getting late and tonight's show just ended and we were getting into the tour bus. Of course he stayed on the couch next to her. Making me even more jealous then I already was.

"Jack," I mumbled catching everyones attention. I motioned for him to follow me as I got up and made my way to the bathroom. After he gets in I turn and lock the door.

"What's up babe?" He asks with confusion all over his face.

I step forward pushing him against the wall of the moving bus. Drawing my lips to his neck a few times before whispering in his ear. "Your mine and only mine! You need to stop getting me jealous like that!" I placed my lips back on his neck sucking lightly. A low moan comes out of his lips showing he loved it.

A few seconds later I was in the position Jack was in against the wall but my legs were around Jack's waist as he held my body up. My shirt was thrown onto the ground somewhere and Jack's hands trailed my chest.

His lips were pressed to mine in a deep passionate kiss. There was a knock on the door as Jonah yelled to hurry up because he had to go to the bathroom.

I pulled away from Jack breathing heavily as I stare at his now swollen lips and the hickey I left on his neck. After he set me down I swiftly put my shirt over my head and examined the two red marks on my own neck. I smiled as I put my fingers up and touch them. Jacks arms went around my waist from behind and put his chin on my shoulder. He smiled before kissing my neck one last time.

"I guess we will have to Finnish this later," He chuckled before fixing my hair and walking out.

A big smile was on my face as I went to my bunk and pulled out my phone to look at all the Jachary edits. Reese came bouncing over about to get in her bed before coming up mine to give me a goodnight hug.

"Zachy what's that on your neck?" She asked poking the mark Jack left.

"Nothing go to bed Reese," I laughed before kissing her head and sending her back down to sleep.

After a while I ended up falling asleep.

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