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{Jacks POV}

It's been one week. One full week. Seven days. Yep a full week since I spilled my heart out to Zach. Since I told him my deepest darkest secret.

After I did that he said yes. He would say yes. But I haven't asked him yet. I want it to be special. Something he would never forget.

Anyways tour started again and we were now two shows till the last one of the something different tour. After we would go back to LA to work in the studio on a new single. Also to see our friends.

Right now I was laying on my stomach reading a book... Or at least trying too. I would always glance up at the boy in front of me.

Zach Sat in a chair next to Corbyn playing fortnight. Zach threw his hands into the air as a barrier surrounded him in defeat.

"aRE YOU SERIOUS," He yells flexing his muscles.

Corbyn chuckles taking the computer and turning it around for his turn. Zach still mad just glares at Corbyn. After a couple minutes Corbyn wins the game with four kills.

"That is so unfair! You can't just do that Corbyn.. I call hacks. CORBYN IS A HACKER AT FORTNIGHT," Zach yells making Corbyn stand up.

"Stop being so grumpy that you suck at playing! You just need more practice and you do realize the barrier kills you? You have to keep moving," Corbyn says closing his laptop and putting it away.

"Wow so I suck," Zach says.

I chuckled and he looked over at me. I wanted to say that's what she said but that sounds to cliche.

"You got a problem with my sucking Jack?" Zach asks smirking.

I just start laughing harder. By now my face was red. I look up and see Corbyn with a shocked expression.


"We don't tell you and Christina that!" I complain.

We all shut up when Daniel walks into the room. He comes over to us looking confused before lifting his shoe up.

"Wanna play checkers?" He asks a big smile on his face.

We all start laughing and messing around with each other. The night was going great just the five of us.

Jonah was currently on the table singing with his toothbrush in his hand. Daniel was filming him. Jonah took a step to jump from the table to the ground and fell into Corbyn making us all laugh.

It was basically a night we don't usually get. Last time something like this happened was before tour were we could have actual time together.

I went up to my room and layed down tired. I pulled the duvet over my body  and closed my eyes longing for sleep to take over.

Well idk what this is 🤔💁 lol

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