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Daniel created a group Chat
Added Jack Avery, Corbyn Besson, Jonah Marais, and Zach Herron

Daniel: Hey...

Zach Herron left the group chat

Corbyn: what's up Daniel?
Jonah: yeah
Daniel: did you guys forgot?
Corbyn: forget what
Daniel: check today what is today
Jonah: July 1st
Daniel: what else
Corbyn: Jacks birthday
Daniel: ding ding chicken wing
Jonah: why isn't he responding?
Daniel: he hasn't messaged any of us since May and last time I knew he wanted to kill himself
Corbyn: Dan why didn't you say anything he could be dead rn
Jonah: Guys stop please
Daniel: I didn't know what to say okay

Daniel added Zach Herron

Daniel: stop fucking leaving
Zach: No
Daniel: Today is Jack's birthday and all we know is he could be dead rn
Zach: idc
Corbyn: seriously?
Daniel: you never let him explain Zach you don't even know what happened
Zach: yes I do he cheated on me
Daniel: No he was fucking drugged you fucking dick head
Daniel: oh so you have nothing else to say?
Corbyn: I'll talk later
Jonah: same

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