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{Jacks POV}

I layed in bed crying for the past few hours. None of the boys decided to come check in to see if I was doing all right. But that's okay I deserve it. Even though I don't know how I made Zach so mad.

The door creaked open and a girl with long wavy brown hair walked in. My best friend Gabbie. She smiled before coming over to hug me.

"Listen Jack I have something to tell you," She said taking my hands in her small ones.

She looked into my eyes before starting. "Jack I have been holding this in for a few weeks but I can't anymore. There is something about you that I really love but I don't know what it is. And I-I like you like a lot Jack," She said smiling at the end. She leaned in placing her lips on mine. I kissed back but it wasn't the same. There were no sparks like with Zach it didn't feel the same.

I pulled away before looking down. I hadn't told her before. I really like her but as in a sister kind of way. Really I didn't mean to flirt or lead her on it just happened. I think?

"Listen Gabbie I can't do this!" I say and she looks at me upset.

"There is someone else right? She has blue eyes and straight blonde hair? Or is she a model for a big company like Vouge? God how could I not know? Tell her she is lucky how bout you! Let them know how special you are that you mean the world to me and if she hurts you than I will fite her," Gabbie rambles on.

"Gabbie stop just stop there isn't someone else I mean there is-was but," I say tears coming back to my eyes.

"But what Jack?"

"It's Zach okay! I'm in love with Zach and I'm sorry I didn't tell you or anyone other than my family and my best friends... I'm just not into girls and since you have been here it all got worse. He won't even talk to me all because you and I keep flirting! I didn't mean to. I'm sorry okay. I wish I could tell him but no can you please just leave me alone. For God damn once in my life I just want to be alone," I say. She looks at me before turning around and walking away.

I was the one to hurt him. He didn't hurt me and if anything I deserve the pain.

I'm sorry Zach! I'm sorry I fucked up! I just want you back. To call you mine again.

I layed back down closing my eyes and drifting off to the much needed sleep I have missed. I was still thinking of him and how good he always looks. His smile. The way his hair sticks in different directions when he doesn't jell it. The way his lips felt. The sparks. They tingle even at the sight of him. I'm crazy in love. My conscience slowly faded and I was in my deep slumber state.

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