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Jack rushed to the hospital after the news was shared with him. His heart dropped at the phone call he received. He left there daughter with Daniel that night.

Jack was scared. He didn't want to loose Zachary. His light the one person that makes him happy.

He got into the lobby running up to the desk.

"What room is Zach Herron in?" I asked as she began typing on her computer.

"He's in extensive care right now he can't have visitors. A doctor will be down as soon as he has anything to share," I sighed and went to sit down in the waiting room.

I called his brother and told him what happened and Ryan said that he was on his way with Reese. I just cried. This was all my fault. Jack never cheated he was faithful to Zach and always would be. He loved him more than anything in the world.

As he thought he drifted off to sleep in the hospital waiting room.

"Anyone here for Zach Herron?" The voice of a guy asks as Jack shot up in his seat.

"I am!" Jack says.

"Who are you too him in relation? Brother, friend, cousin?" The doctor asks.

"Husband actually! Please tell me he is okay?" Jack whispers.

"I'm sorry he didn't make it through surgery. He lost too much blood and his brain injury was just to severe. I'm so sorry," He said. "But before he died he told me to tell Jack he loves him and to give him this ring!" He hands the wedding ring to Jack.

Jack falls on the ground sobbing. He lost what was most important to him. He got up and called Corbyn. His calming voice came through.

"Jack what's wrong are you okay?" Corbyn asks as none of them know what is happening.

"He's g-g-gone Corbyn and I need you right now," Jack cries.

"Who's gone! Jack," He asks after a second.

"Zach! Corbyn are you with the others?" Jack asks the blonde.

"Yes why? And what happened to Zach what do you mean he's gone?-" "Put the phone on speaker," Jack interrupts him. The ding went through and he heard the other boys talking and laughing.

"Z-zachs d-dead! We are at the hospital..... I just want you guys to know that I love you all so much and I will always be here for you along with Zach but.. I'm going to commit suicide! Please take care of our girl. I love you all so much!"

"JACK NO PLEASE DON'T WE LOVE YOU... JACK?-" Jack hung up his phone whispering sorry as he slid Zach's ring onto his finger and walking out of the hospital doors. He looked at the ongoing traffic and decided that's not the way to do it.

He walked back into the hospital and into the elevator to the top floor. Once there he took the stairwell to the roof opening the door making the alarm go off. He didn't care just kept getting closer to the edge of the roof. He stepped up looking down. Voices yelled at him from behind.

"Get away from the edge please," Someone says he turns around tears streaming down his face.

"I LOVE YOU ZACH I ALWAYS DID," He yells. Before turning around again and stepping off the roof.

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