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"Sweety I promise to get you out of here. I will do everything in my power, your my son and I love you, you know that right?" Jacks mom says.

Jack just look past her at the windows that show the outside world. It had been so long since he got to get out and do something bad. To taste the air. This place was horrible he never did anything.

His friends never visited anymore. By this time he's forgotten all about the band and what it is to love. Zach,  now he still remembers everything about him. From the way his lips felt to the way his hands touched every inch of his body. He missed him yeah but he's accepted the fact that he's gone.

The mental hospital disagrees they keep saying he isn't getting any better to keep him there. But in a few short days Jack will be free back at his own home in LA. Not Pennsylvania while in the hospital his parents moved down to California to be closer.

A nurse comes over to Jacks table stopping the two from chatting. "Times up, I'm afraid Jack has got to get back to his room."

"Mom promise me you will get me out... I can't stay here any longer," Jack begs before he is pulled back by the nurse he follows her to his room. Just leaving his mom behind not hugging her or saying goodbye.

He sits on the corner of his bed looking up at the nurse. "Your therapist is going to be here soon," She says walking away and leaving the room letting the door click indicatimg that it locked.

Great. He runs his hand through his hair twirling it with his fingers. It was no longer curly due to the year of not being able to perm it. He sighs laying on his back and shutting his eyes.

There's a knock on the door and he looks up. The door opens and a girl walks in about Jacks age. She has long curly jinger red hair and green eyes. Something about her made Jack nervous.

"Hi.. Jack," She let's his name roll of her tongue.

"That's me," He says smiling for the first time in forever.

"I'm Rose your therapist I should say even though you don't need me. They never listen for shit! So here's the thing I'm going to help you get out of here but you have to trust me," Rose says looking into Jacks eyes.

He nods.

"Can you still sing? I would love to hear something you where amazing when you where 19. I'm not going to lie I was obsessed," She smiles.

"To be honest I haven't even tried they won't let me. I've been to tired anyway all the medication makes me sleep," Jack says running his hand through his hair again. Rose watched him carefully sighing.

"Come with me," Rose holds out her hand and Jack looks at it. Finally he stands up and grabs it. They leave the room and she goes down the hallway to a room that looks like a salon.

"Sit I'm going to help you okay," Jack nods sitting in the chair. Rose looks through box's pulling out the items she needs.

After a while Jacks hair is curly. He looks in the mirror at himself. Smiling he touches his hair letting it bounce back in place.

"You know I'm here to help you get back to your old self. You just need guidance," Rose says as she looks down.

"My old self? I'd like that," Jack admits.

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