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The car pulls up to what looks like an abandoned factory. She parks and turns off the car.

"Here take this you might need it," rose says handing Jack a black 1/5 hoodie.

"Really? A hoodie from my band!" Jack complains.

She opens the car door and walks toward the building. Jack following behind they open the door going into the room then down a hallway. A light is on in the room at the end. Once the door is open it looks like some surgical room. Rose closes the door and sits on the seat next to a bed looking thing.

"Jack sit there Simon will be in shortly to help us," she says pointing at the hospital bed. He hesitantly sits down as the opens. A tall bald guy walks in looking at Rose.

"Rose great to see you again what brings you here today?" He asks a big smile on his face.

"You owe me from when I helped you so I brought Jack Avery here today. Im helping him get out but... He has a tracker in his neck and I need you to get it out for me," she says and simon nods walking up to Jack to feel his neck.

"Well I cant see anything but I can see where it went in this is going to take a minute," simon says.

Simon grabs a microscope eye glasses off of his table putting them on. He touches the spot nothing happens.

"We have to cut it out," he says and Rose agrees, "just get it out Simon!"

He takes a small exacto knife placing it on Jacks neck pushing in a little. Jack gasps at the pain as he pushes it deeper.

"Found it," Simon says taking it out and putting it in a bag. He puts a bandaid on Jacks neck after putting two stiches in the cut to keep it from bleeding.

The two leave the building getting back in the car. "Your free Jack... A free man but now we have somewhere to go," Rose says taking the wheel and driving in the opposite direction.

Hours of being in the car was making Jack tired. He looked out the window. All he saw where signs and other cars being on the highway. He looked at the different signs exit 169. 167. 173. He closed his eyes leaning back in his seat.

Jack looked up at the stars as he layed on the roof a blanket and pillow keeping him comfy. Zach held him in his arms. The night was cold and they decided to not use the blanket but to hold each other.

"Jack?" Zach asked quietly.

"Hmm baby," Jack hummed in response.

"I love you," Zach says shifting so he was now facing Jack.

"I love you too Zach," Jack says before Zachs lips are on his. The seventeen year old held him tight as he kissed the love of his life. Zach pulled away breathing in deep.

The cold air wrapped around both boys making Zach shiver. Jack stood up pulling Zach with him as he climbed down the latter they set up to get on the roof. "Lets go cuddle in bed together and watch movies," Jack says smiling.

Jack jolted awake a tear on his cheek. He noticed the car no longer moving it was morning and he was alone in front of a house. He stretched before opening the car door.

He got out and walked up to the door nocking. He turned so he wasnt facing the door. It opens.

"Jack?" Someone says. He turns around and looks at the girl that said his name.

"Isla?" Jack says before pulling her into a hug. After she pulls away she opens the door for her brother to come into the house.

"Its been a while where were you?" Isla says going into the kitchen of the house.

"What," Jack says taking a seat in a chair.

"Can I go to my room is it the same?" He asks his little sister that looks so much different now.

"Mom took everything out of your room and syd has it now! But everything is in boxes in the attic if you want to take it back to the boys house? Im guessing you havent seen them yet?"

"Jack you have too see them! You have to see Zach after all he needs an explanation!" Isla says looking down.

"Please stop Isla Zach is dead," Jacks says getting mad.

"Jack your scaring me," Isla says! Jack looks around confused.

"Zach got into a car accident three years ago. We got into a fight he drank. He died and I tried to kill myself but they wouldn't let me so they locked me UP IN PLACE I WASNT ALOUD TO LEAVE. HES DEAD ISLA," Jack yells tears falling down his face.

The door opens behind them and Daniel walks in looking between Jack and Isla both crying. "Dani he's scaring me," Isla cries as he lifts her up.

"Oh my god where were you Jack we where all worried about you," Daniel says putting Isla down and hugging his best friend. Three more people come into the house laughing and talking to each other.

"Jack i-is that you?"

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