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{Zach's POV}

I wake up alone in my bunk the curtain parted slightly with a light shining in. A blanket lays over my naked body. Pains coarse through my lower half as I try to sit up. Damn him. I smile as I fall back and close my eyes again.

"Zach get dressed we are going out," Jacks voice rang through the tour bus.

I groan as Jack throws open the curtain and yanks the blanket off. Shit! The boys my sister and brother. Gabbie. He smirks while looking down at me. I realize we are alone. Jack places a soft kiss on my lips before throwing me a pair of shorts and a off white shirt.

"I want to see that shirt come off later. By the way we are going swimming," He winks while going to change himself. He takes off his shirt as I stare at his back. Scratch marks run down his shoulders to his mid back. I laugh looking at my work of art.

"What's wrong baby," He turns to look at me with just in his eyes.

"Nothing just admiring what I did to you. I hope it didn't hurt," I giggle as I hop down from my bunk and turn around putting on my shirt he just gave me.

Jack smacks my ass as my knees give out under me and he catches my body in his arms. "Hope your not sore because next time you won't be able to walk," He smirked as he put me back down to admire the hand print that would be there for a while.

I finish getting ready not even doing my hair because it would get ruined anyway. I grab my glasses and head off the bus Jack following behind as he came up and grabbed my hand. Then he asked the question I never thought he would ask. I turn to look at him pondering what to say. He looks into my eyes like he really means it for the first time. I realize I'm so in love with this guy that I would have done it when I wasn't even sure if I was gay or not. I would yell from a rooftop Jack Robert Avery is mine and only mine so suck it. Because I am the luckiest guy in the world.

"So Zach when can we tell everyone that we are together?" He asks again.

"You would really do that?" I ask.

"Zach I would do anything for you. I don't care if it means dying for you. You are my world my light in the dark my soul mate my one and only. Of course I want to tell the fans hell I want to tell everyone your mine so fucking bad. Because your are mine and not theres you will never be there's. Zach I love you so god damn much and I hope you know that," He says before leaning in and placing his lips on mine in a slow passionate kiss. We pull away when we hear a scoff and see Gabbie and Daniel watching us. Daniel had a smile on his face while Gabbie was close to crying.

"That was so gross. Jack how could you? You knew I liked you! Heck I love you and you do this. I thought you really cared what happened to that kiss?" She asks making me take a step back. What kiss?

Jack steps forward "Gabbie I'm sorry I led you on then what happened when Zach and I weren't together doesn't matter now. I have never been straight or bi no I have only been gay and I have only been in love with Zachary Dean Herron. He is the love of my life and I will cherish him till I die so no Gabbie if you have a problem with it then you aren't my friend. If you don't support it than leave because Zach is more important than anything else than any words can describe he is everything," Jack says making the tears fall down my face.

The curly headed girl turns around and starts running tears on her face too. Jack pulls me in for a hug and grabs my hand pulling me to the black van we will be riding in to get places.

We pull up to the beach and I jump out running to the water pulling my shirt off and throwing it in the sand. Jack follows closely putting his stuff with mine then chasing after me. I dive into the water and go under waiting for my boyfriend to come back up. He grabs my waist and drags me under unexpectedly making me scream. I come up and he is laughing.

"Really babe?" I ask pretending to be mad and getting closer to him. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist holding onto his neck. I kiss his neck with sweet soft kisses then go to his lips. I can never have enough of his soft pink lips. They are always soft and sometimes taste like cherry from the chopstick he wears.

"I love you Jack," I whisper.

Instead of doing a double update I wrote about 300 extra words and made this chapter a little longer but I'm writing another fan fiction called MINE so I will be posting on there soon also ❤ love you guys and thanks for reading this really cringey book

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