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[Zach's POV]

Today was a new day. We were off of tour for a break and ended up going to our hometowns to spend Christmas. I ended up sitting next to Corbyn on the plane.

I was excited to see my parents and Ryan but most suspifically my little sister and angel Reese. She brought a joy to my life that not many people bring. She is always happy and its rare that I get to see her.

My mom decided to have a party for when I get home. She called all of the family and invited them to the house. God I hate surprises.

As the plane landed Corbyn said his goodbyes and called an Uber to take him home. Me doing the same.


"WELCOME HOME ZACH," Everyone yelled when I opened the door.

"Zachyyyyy," A scream filled the air as a little girl went flying through the room into my arms.

"Reece I missed you so so much," I whispered hugging her close to me.

After a minute I put her down and hugged Ryan then my mom and dad. I said hello to all the people who came and felt real out of place.

All I wanted to do was sleep from being Jet lagged. I walked up the stairs about to open my door before being pulled back downstairs.

"Zach come play with us!" My mom said sitting in a circle with a deck of cards out.

I didn't know the name of the game but each card had a question to ask one of the other people in the circle. My mom went first and so on.

I sat down and looked at the cards for a moment before my name was being called. I looked over to my cousin who was holding a card up and smiling.

"Do you like anyone and who?" Was the question.

"Yes and no I don't know and I really don't want to say who! I'm still not sure to be honest," I say looking down.

"Whoever she is she is lucky," My mom says making me frown.

"What did I say something wrong?" She asks.

"No I'm just going to go to bed I'm tired," I mumbled my eyes watering as I stood up and ran upstairs and into my room.

I shut my bedroom door and fell onto my bed. Why does everything have to be so complicated. If I wanted everyone to know my sexuality I actually wouldn't know.

I can't explain it. I haven't kissed a girl or a guy. Yeah I've had a girlfriend for like two days but still. I wasn't ready.

I snuggle deep into my blanket letting the tears free fall. Slowly I start to get cranky and tired.

I close my eyes and darkness consumes me.

Oof idk what to think. But I hope you liked it Jack should be in the next chapter ❤❤

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