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{Zach's POV}

I wake up in my own bed with only my boxers on. Sweat ran down my forehead and stuck to my chest. My chest slowly rises and falls at a steady pace.

I look around the dark room and see the sun slightly coming into the bedroom window. Corbyn was asleep cuddled into his blankets but Jonah was no where to be seen.

I get up going downstairs to the kitchen. Jack was sat at the counter on his phone while Jonah cooked. Waffles? Again?

"We are having waffles again?" I ask Jonah as I sat by Jack.

"What do you mean we haven't had waffles in a long time," He says raising an eye brow.

"Jack can I talk to you?" I ask getting up and walking out to the living room. Him following close behind.

I stopped and turned to look at him. "Did anything happen last night?" I ask. He shakes his head confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I grab his shirt in my fist and pull him into me kissing his lips passionately. Like that! He kisses back after a second and pulls away.

"Zach I don't know what you are talking about! After you left my room from helping me calm down I fell asleep," He says.

It was just a dream! The good news is it didn't happen. But now I'm disappointed because I love him. With my whole ass heart.

"D-do you like me Zach? Is that why you kissed me," Jack asks.

I look down and nod my head. I didn't want to make eye contact I couldn't. Jacks fingers went under my chin lifting my face to face his beautiful brown eyes. His lips met mine for a short second before pulling away slowly.

"Zach I have something I need to tell you. Ever since our first tour the one I met you and Corbyn on. I knew I was gay. I knew that when I saw you it was love. I mean not love at first sight but I got to know you. I wanted to be by you more. I have loved you for so long Zachary Dean Herron. It hurt so much through these years that I have had to hide it because every time I see you I have to fight the urge not to get up and kiss you. Your just so fucking attractive and you make me squirm under your gaze or even just your presence. Hell Zach you got me head over heels for you! And I'm not ashamed to tell you that I love you, I love you more than I love anything else and I want to keep you close for as long as I got to live I only want you. To be with you. If I took your hands and held them right now and asked you the question. The one I have wanted to ask for years! Would you say yes? Or would you reject me and say that we are friends and its going to ruin everything? That's my biggest fear Zach just tell me now so I won't get hurt later on," Jack says tears starting to form in his eyes.

I stand still looking at the boy shocked of every word that just came out of his mouth. Of course I would say yes or at least I think I would. But it is wrong it's wrong of me. I can't help it.

"Y-yes the answer would be yes," I stutter.

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